The major problem with America today is that the people are sleeping like sleepy Joe, and there is a growing public who think that he is a viable candidate. People do not take the time to seek the real truth and facts and believe the lies, sounds like 2 Thessalonian to us:
10 And in all deceivableness of unrighteousness, among them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe lies,
American Government was founded on the Truths of God Yahovahs creation and his covenant to mankind. Our Founders learned to read the Geneva Bible in the School houses (Not the King James government version) and the people were informed from the churches and local groups called the Committee of Safety. Just study the days of the Mayflower and the Pilgrims to get a sense of what was happening in those days which was full of government oppression from the followers of Satan’s Deception, which drove the Christians out of Europe to America.
We have watched the same kind of oppression grow here in Maine since the 70’s and it seems to get worse every day forward.
A group got together a few years ago in Maine and had a lot of success, education sharing and they knocked Maine government into a tizzy exposing the evil that took over Maine government. This evil is Satan’s work influencing his blood sucking followers to give him the rulership over God’s world. This is no difference then the history of the 1700’s when good Christian people stood up for the laws of God and God blessed America.
The way we see it, If We the People do not heed the call to stand up we are going to see a hell of a battle, and it won’t be pretty. It will be hell on earth.
God sent us Donald Trump who exposed many truths about this world that 99% of the people did not realize that existed in truth and fact, the awakening was enormous. But the next election evil filled the government seats again with the blood sucking evil where the swamp was enriched with more evil that bound the hands of the patriot who wanted to defend the good of America.
To understand where we are today, We the People need to understand that this is a battle of Good vs Evil…
The evil retains their power through the deception of the mass media and the erosion of the information filtered by the major Internet providers. This is what they did to us here in Maine to our Constitutional Coalition and put the people back to sleep with delusion.
To understand the problem we must see the facts and reality of how this is all being done. We have the International Money Men who was granted the power of Mammon to seduce the people with the riches of freely printed money where the people sold thier souls for immediate desire and loosing the Belief in God the creator of the Universe and his son Yashua who shed his blood upon the covenant of the law of free will to mankind. That is what freedom and independence was all about. The freedom to live within God’s Law (If you choose).
The Money Men from Europe brought in their BAR Attorneys to steel the seats of our government and organized new rules and statutes that defy our constitutions with the blessings of God and imposed Satan’s law of Communism which was nothing more then tyrannical rule over the rights of the people. This Government is known as the Territorial Corporation of the District of Columbia which was illegally constructed by the BAR Attorney with the Corporate Act of 1871 that captured all the states in 1933 to Governing Franchise Corporations of State Territory then captured the counties and local communities by 1968. There was no government in America operating by the constitutional law of the land. This is known as the law of Admiralty of the seas controlled from Brittain and the synagogue of Satan known as the Vatican Church.
Here is a good example of the secret deceptions of God vs Evil. These creatures overlaid our government with a new constitution in 1871 by changing a few words around and deleting the original 13th amendment. These creatures did the same thing to our Churches by replacing the Geneva Bible that our Founders of America used to educate themselves with to the Government Bible of Europe called the King James Bible which the words were changed around to support the divine rights of Kings.
The promotion of the King James was done with deception and lies and you will not be able to read it and fully understand the law of God Yahovah that our freedom and independence was derived from. The King James bible was started 50 years after the writing of the Geneva bible which spilt the blood of many Christians to bring into the English Language. King James took that same bible and removed the cliff notes that explained the translations which educated the people and changed words to support the divine right of the king.
Is there no hope for America?
We the people must seek the knowledge and fact about the creation of our Government which was ordained and established here in America to support the rights of the People according to the laws of God.
The hope is to have an American Revival to spread the truth and knowledge of the Good and Evil that exists in America. The Good people of America must assemble and support the founding documents that our founders built this nation of Free and Independent states, which are independent nations that formed a union of states that established the united states of America.
We must expose the lies and deceptions of the false government known as the District of Columbia which was a constructive fraud to the people. Maine’s territorial governing Document is the Maine Revised Statute. 1st of all Who authorizes the revising of our statutes that defies the law of the constitution. All politicians must swear an oath to support our law of the land as defined in the Maine Constitution that was ordained and established by the people. The 1st sentence in the Maine Revised Statutes states:
* So what is this STATE of MAINE Corporation which is defined in the Maine Revised Statutes that is managed by the BAR Attorney in the Revisors Office?
* – Maine Revised Statutes – Title 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS – Chapter 1: SOVEREIGNTY AND JURISDICTION – §1. Extent of sovereignty and jurisdiction
– Maine Revised Statutes, Title 1, Chapter 1, §1
– The jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State extend to all places within its boundaries,
– subject only to such rights of concurrent jurisdiction as are granted by the State over places ceded by the State to the United States.
– This section shall not limit or restrict the jurisdiction of the State over any person or with respect to any subject,
– within or without its boundaries,
– which jurisdiction is exercisable by reason of citizenship, residence or for any other reason recognized by law.*** Title 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS, Chapter 3: RULES OF CONSTRUCTION §72. Words and phrases
15. Person. “Person” may include a body corporate.
21. State. “State,” used with reference to any organized portion of the United States, may mean a territory or the District of Columbia.
26-A. United States. “United States” includes territories and the District of Columbia.
Does this sound like the law of the land as founded by the Constitution?
In Fact when we read the corporate rules of this document it represents all the deceptions of tyrannical rule over the rights of man.
Another point of concern is that the Constitution as currently written has been word smithed by the Maine Judiciary Corporation who was assigned the updating of the peoples constitution which they feel the can do because it is a private corporation and not a government of the people. This is a greater study that needs to be corrected in getting our state back into a constitutional order. It is necessary to go back to the Constitution as written and accepted into the union of states on March 3, 1820 and then ensure that all amendments are properly and lawfully done to preserve the government by the authority of the people.
What can the People do?
When we look at the history of the people in early America We the People held regular meetings in the communities to address the concerns of the day and when needed we instructed our government officials what we wanted done. This is different today where the Government employees meet in secret meetings to define what they are going to do and how to inform the people of the decisions. The people are not asked for their input and advice with the exception of an organized public debate where the meetings are controlled by rules and time constraints and inconvenient hour appointments designed to minimize public involvement. Then the public employees make their decisions outside of the view of the public.
Today there are Assemblies meeting and organizing across America to re-establish the constitutional law of the land. Six states have already organized state groups to inform the people of the facts about the government problems that need to be resolved. With the rules of our original government the counties need to be organized with people to manage the laws of the county and state.
For example, The National-Assembly has been organized in Michigan to help the process of the states to create our own assembly’s to share our information and concerns about resurrecting our constitutional law of the land by the authority of the people. If we want our government back to its proper order we must assemble our counties and towns from the Atlantic Coast to the borders of New Hampshire and from Kittery to Fort Kent.
We can share the founding documents and history of America in order to educate the people of the problems, concerns and resolutions necessary to rebuild Maine back to the state that we once were where the rights of the people are fully respected and reinvigorate our heritage to live under the laws of God.
Also in order to do this, because a constitutional society requires righteous people to be involved in our destiny. We believe strongly that it is most necessary to rescue our people held in these churches of ill repute that was hijacked by the Jesuits and the trained pastors from the Rockefeller Foundation financed seminaries that train the pastors. These churches are full of people who want to believe and worship God and Jesus Christ but have fallen unknowingly into Pagan Worship of the synagogue Satan. The Bible does fully explain this and it was the prime mission of Yashua to awaken the people to the true sins of the world controlled by the Pharisees and the Edomites.
The fact is If We the People do not wake up the people of Maine and help with the other states in America, We will be facing the hell on earth that is described through out the bible. Just remember:
Ephesians 6:10-12 1599 Geneva Bible
10 ¶ Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaults of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places.
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray, and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven, and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land:
This is our Government and We the People are Responsible:
Article 1 Section 2. Power inherent in people. All power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit; they have therefore an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.