For candidates running for any Maine House or Senate seat, we urge you to sign this pledge and let Maine’s citizens know you will uphold the US and Maine Constitutions and speak truth if elected to public office. Only fill this pledge petition if you are approved by the Maine Secretary of State’s office to be on the ballot for public office.
Signing this Petition puts Maine voters on notice that you are a Constitutional Candidate. After verification, we will display your name on this page as a Constitutional Candidate.
Do you know who your candidate is for the Maine House or Senate? Ask them to take this pledge. Send them the link to this pledge page:
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House List
Senate List
Maine is but one independent State in the Union of 50 Independent States that is recognized as the United States of America. Maine’s Government and its people recognize the Constitution of the United States and declare its own Constitution for the people of Maine. To protect Maine’s Constitution, its Independence, Sovereignty and Republican style Democracy, I recognize, support and believe in the 10th Amendment, which gives Maine the right to refuse or ignore the United States powers not delegated in the U.S. Constitution.
The people of Maine need to know the truth, and I _______________, when duly elected and qualified Legislator/Senator of Maine, am going to reveal the truth to the people of Maine. Our government for years has violated the people’s unalienable, GOD given, natural rights by certain past members of the three branches of the Maine State Government. Our State Government has refused to acknowledge and understand how to protect the people’s rights by recognizing, implementing and enforcing the mandates and laws as written in United States and Maine Constitutions.
To prevent this reoccurrence of contempt and violations from continuing, I in good faith must take proper actions based on the following facts and statements.
The United States Constitution is still the Supreme Law of the Land and the Maine Constitution is the Supreme Law of the State and by OATH and using good faith, I will, to the best of my ability, follow these supreme laws; to the letter of the law.
From this day forward, I believe and support the need to follow established paths that work to maintain the protections, benefits and welfare of all Maine people. And to recommend that those in the Legislative Departments as described in Article 3, Sections 1and 2, follow their given, sacred, Constitutional OATHs.
Therefore, from this day forward, I will continue to honor my OATH and will by mandate of Article 4, Part 3rd, enforce and faithfully execute all Constitutional Laws and Statutes that are not repugnant to the United States and Maine’s Constitutions.
To faithfully maintain and enforce the my Legislative Powers, I will have proper communications with my fellow Representatives and Senators.
In order to return and maintain the proper balance of the three Constitutional Departments, I will recognize the Maxim from the Marbury verses Madison Court case of 1800’s, Chief Justice Marshall announced “A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void”. This statement declared a law passed unconstitutionally was automatically invalid, null and void. Therefore I will attend educational classes to learn how to use the Maine Constitution, preferably before and shortly after taking the OATH.
Please Fill Out This Form to Pledge:
Candidates That Pledged
Name | City | District
John Deveau | Caribou | H-#149
Kevin Bushey | Ashland | H-#151
Brian Redmond | Fort Fairfield |H-#148