*** Welcome Email
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*** Welcome Email
We must as the citizens who actually own the authority of the constitutional law of government get together and figure out how to resolve this government system. Right now we are getting the government we deserve when we expect that our rights and duties as free citizens are done when we vote at the ballot box. I’ve never seen that in any constitutional writings, letters and communications of the people who fought for the natural laws, rights and freedoms that our constitutions dictate.
I know most of us have been fighting to get our government servants to recognize the true meaning of their jobs. But our government system keeps violating the laws of government that they were assigned to uphold. We elect people for representation, They swear an oath to do so, and then they continually violate their fiduciary responsibilities assigned to them. They work in secrecy against the public. They created the ability for a corporation of criminals to print fiat script that pretends to be money and then bribe our representation to do their bidding against our rights and freedoms.
What are we going to do about it?? Do we just allow our government to work as a corporation that has given their jurisdiction to the United Nations and operates by a different set of laws rules and regulations undefined by the constitution that “We the People” have the authority to approve or deny.
I know that there is enough smart people in Maine to get together and organize a plan to exercise our rights to redress our grievances to the government servants. We must demand that they do a better job to manage our state finances and perform their duties as defined in the constitutional contract that they swear an oath to uphold. We must insist that they take charge of their fiduciary duties and responsibilities in managing the Federal Government which is their responsibility.
– http://www.mainerepublic.com/forum
I have set up a forum at my website to invite Freedom loving Maine citizens to get together and organize a plan to take our government back from those who have usurped it from us. This forum is not intended to be another chit chat news site. That would be a failed attempt to actually do something important. Its only design is to gather together ideas of what are we going to do to demand that our government system operates according to the law that suppose to bind them. This Forum is for those who are invited to be here to work on solving the problems that our government has become. If you know other willing and worthy patriots who would like to get involved please email me to get them invited. We must also be vigilant to keeping the membership free from those shills who want to join in and destroy any process to advance a constitutional government contract. The agenda is to retrieve our god given rights and freedoms and insist that our government listens to and abides by our redress of grievances and to reorganize back to the constitutional law.
I’m leaving the forum application open and come sign in and help define what you believe our problems are and what are the possible solutions to correct the problems. I apologize that the initial organization is going to be a rough start and would like to first work on some forum rules so that we can hold an organized discussion to resolve the problems. Please come and sign in and help organize this forum to address our problems and provide what your solutions could be by organizing an action plan to work forward by. If any of you know how to run and organize a PHPP forum I would appreciate any advice and comments to build this into something we can use. I can use any help, advice and suggestions to get this forum up and running to accomplish something very important to us all.
Please come and join in to take back our authority as free and independent citizens of Maine.
P.S if there are any problems signing in email me to iron out the kinks.
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