Phil's Letter to the Governor
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Phil's Letter to the Governor
September 23, 2013
Subject: Governors meeting, September 14, 2013
Governor LePage:
Before I begin, please know that this letter is not from Gary, Wayne or Jack. As you know, we came together as “We the People of Maine”. Each one of us represents our individual groups and organizations, some which are affiliated with other groups statewide and nationally. I write this letter to you from me and the research group called “Take America Back, so if you take offence to my presentation, Gary, Wayne and Jack did not ask, advise or contribute one statement to what you read in this letter.
Governor LePage, it is and always has been our contention that you may have one or more than one person on your staff that may not be working for you or the Maine Peoples defense or benefit. This is our opinion based research, on past practice, probability and the concept and reality that many factors and actions taken by your office staff (advisors) and you as the Governor, were not in the best interest of the Maine People or with the original of the State of Maine and the Constitution of the United States. We have reiterated this from the beginning, now we have proven that you do have infiltrators, but you would never know it if you did not personally read and study our material!
As you know, it was I who had the first personal connection to you. We started off with your angry, scathing personal call to me, to which you had apologized. And then we started off with the friendly monthly gatherings that resulted in almost12 hours of Remonstrance meetings. I know these were professional meeting, but I felt that the five of us had developed a connection, a team of trust and respect for each other. We further believed in this trusted team approach by watching your enthusiasm towards the Constitutional material and content of the research that we provided. We shared all of this with you, the other side of the story, information that you own staff and republican legislators kept hidden from you. We revealed this hidden researched material by verbal and written presentations, at our own risk. In between meetings, we supplied indisputable facts and figures in the form of copies of dated laws, amendments, reports and their history or origin.
I would hope that by now you would know that the only agenda that we each have is not political, but to return the State of Maine back to its people and under the umbrella and protections of their Constitution. Back to origination of the real intent that the founders dreamed of at the Constitutional Convention of 1819, which resulted in Maine’s 1820 Constitution.
When we first meet with you, our original intention was a step-by-step move to restore the sovereignty back to the people, not to the legislature, the judges, lawyers or the law enforcement. We do not have hidden personal agendas or intentions and what proves this is: We sacrifice our time with our own families in between our meetings. We research and constantly communicate with other state and nation wide conservative and Constitutional minded groups, and then we meet to plan out the open agendas for our Remonstrance meetings. When we meet with you, we lose the entire day at our cost, Jack travels from upper Aroostook County and Gary and I from the Town of Lincoln. Wayne is also on a fixed income and he also has to travel and take time out of his life. Our expense also includes eating away from home, gasoline and wear on our vehicles. We have nothing to gain for the work that we do and everything to lose if we do not continue, so we will continue without your help.
After the last meeting of the 14th, I personally felt betrayed by you. I thought you knew the State Constitution and its history, but apparently you did not. I had faith in our Remonstrance team meetings and the connection that we had with you. I was under the impression that we had mutual respect and trust between you and us. From the onset, the four of us came to gather not as friends, but because each of us are researchers in our own groups and we thought if we combined our knowledge and research, we could do this for the people. This is why we started the Constitutional Remonstrance Process, which included you.
We knew what we provided to you was the truth and provable because we were consistently in check with each other. Lying to you could have been easy, but what would that prove or provide, what would each of us gain? When we left the meeting of the 14th, all of us were hurt because we had faith in you to make the right decisions according to our proven research. We could understand the fear regarding Alfond and Eve meeting with us, but for you to think that we are now misleading you, that hurts us deeply.
We had more than faith in you; we had confidence that you were sent to us. We, along with many other Maine Citizens have physically worked and provided economic support for the election of a man that came from the streets and beat the odds. We saw a man that represented a no frill, down to earth, honest believer and speaker that represented us, the people of Maine! You spoke with our minds and language and was not afraid to tell it like it is, you feared no one! We elected you, because we believed in you and your intuition. For the first time, we did not choose and elect a “pick of the shelf political leader”.
We listened to your political speeches and promises to take over and reverse a failing state, to take command and return the Government of Maine, back to us, the people of Maine! Like us, you carried a copy of the Constitution, and like us, you wore it like a warriors shield.
I use the word betrayal because it is a strong word that displays the inner most feeling of emotional hurt and lose of trust and respect. A person that was betrayed suffers emotionally and physical pain. I know what the others are feeling, but I can tell you truthfully that our time and individual money was spent to get you elected. Doors were knocked on and we actively did what it took to seat you in the position as the Supreme Executive Officer of Maine and now you ignore the truth and you trust Maine BAR Association Lawyers.
The question now is how did you betray us, was it willful or innocent? Were you convinced and did you know we were right or were you told to willfully ignore our information, or were you led to honestly believe that you were right and we were wrong, or were you threatened and forced to resist our material and demean it?
I still believe that you are honest and that you are being fooled and misled by your inner circle and people that you believe you can trust. I believe that many of your staff and lawyers are good talkers and have led you to think that we are conspiracy theorist or paranoid. I believe that they, on purpose, keep your attention on what they want and keep you so busy that you are exhausted. By preventing you from reading and studying less important issues, our material (the Constitution) gets put on the back burner.
When a telephone rings a person answers it, when mail is delivered a person, that person opens it. We are aware that you are busy and that it is important to meet with your constituents and shake hands with your supporters, but it is ill mannered to put off those of us that were your original base and have real information.
The meeting of the 14th was a continuation of the previous meeting, you knew what this meeting was for. It was obvious that we needed for you to discuss or finalize the information sent by me and package sent from Lise by mail (at your request, at her time and her expense). Contacting Micki, on many occasions, as our contact person, I suggested to you that we needed a teleconference to review Lise’s proven material, my report called “100 years of Law & (un)Justice and the two letters sent by me on the 4th and 9th of September. You knew the meeting of the 14th had a purpose; it was to develop a plan or strategy to open the Common Law Courts, to appoint Common Law Judges and staff. We also offered a Constitutional approach to engage Emergency Executive Orders to created Constitutional advisory committees, a Constitutional process that you do not have. I made daily contact with Micki for you to respond to my request to speak with me for 5 minutes, every request was ignored; on the 13th I requested 1 minute and I feared the worse. When we finally did meet with you on the 14th, my suspicions were confirmed; you ignored every file, every report or copy of law that we had emailed or mailed to you. Was this by design?
I was happy however; that you did follow up on a meeting, that you said you would have with a so-called Constitutional Lawyer in Portland. Please excuse our skepticism, but we did not know any Constitutional Lawyer in Portland so we were prepared to receive Maine BAR interpretation and language. You did share the letter from the so-called Constitutional Lawyer, but we were not happy that he attempted to shut us down with rhetoric that only a BAR Lawyer would provide. We would like to meet with him in front of you to prove that he is working for the Maine Bar Association. But he already proved that with his response. If you noticed, he skillfully skirted the Maine Bar Association’s take over of the Maine Constitution through the infiltration of Legislative Branches, the Revisor’s Office, the Executive Department, the entire Court System and Law Enforcement.
Since the August meeting, we uncovered and proved by an investigation that a well-planned system has violated the Maine people’s unalienable rights, their Constitution and the securities and protections that were established in the original Maine Constitution. Anyone that reads our material would have come to the same decision that we have. What is confusing is, you have chosen to not read, to ignore and disregard our information, and you have decided to follow the lead of a phony Constitutional Lawyer and other BAR Lawyers.
While we were at the 14th meeting, I quickly reviewed McLean & Fenton’s response. I knew that they skillfully fooled you and turned you off to us. As others were speaking, I just skimmed their response; it was blatantly clear that they either do not under stand the Maine Constitution or they did not want to tell you the truth, that is why I made the remark that they was not a Constitutional Lawyers. It is Apparent to me, that McLean & Fenton or others on your staff have convinced you that a democracy in Maine was superior to a Republic.
Our premise, as is other Constitutional researchers, is that the framers of the U.S. and Maine Constitution knew that the free people of this continent would only stay free and maintain their liberty if they remained a Republic and a Government that served its people, not to control it. The founders also knew that once a republic is established, the people’s Constitution would always come under attack if the people did not defend it.
The founders knew that as decades and centuries past, the Constitution would evolve, but it would have to evolve properly. This is why the founders developed a process to advance the U.S. and Maine Constitutions and not weaken or destroy the initial intent to maintain freedom and liberty. The founders also knew that eventually corrupt people could fool the population with smooth word-smithing. This is why they created appropriate language that could be easily understood in the future.
Article 10, section 3 uses the word repugnant because at that time the word was understood to be extremely powerful and expressed to the people to not even think that they could attack, weaken or dismantle the Constitution.
Article 10, section 4 explains the process to amend the Maine Constitution, however involving the people in a vote to amend the Constitution. It was not intended that the people could dismantle the republic and create a democracy, or to weaken or destroy the protected rights of the people.
After considerable investigation and reading how bills and resolves were passed through the “Revisors Office” and the BAR Lawyers in the legislature; it is apparent that they (in collusion) violated Article 10, section 3 and Article 4, Part Third, section 1.
People who research both Constitutions will see different patterns of amendment change. I am not referencing the language it self, but to the fact that when the U.S. Constitution is amended, the amendments that change the intent or wording are referenced as footnotes and the words remain as the original Constitution. Whereas when an amendment is made in the Maine Constitution, the changes are separated from the original and they are archived. If a person reads the Maine Constitution, they would be led to believe that the Constitution that they were reading was the original and not a revised Constitution. This perception would make it harder to detect improper procedures and possible repugnancy or treasonous intent to favor or promote individual privilege or power or to protect criminals. This is the reason why we now have a Maine Constitution that is basically unconstitutional.
If you had read my report when I emailed it to you (“100 Years of Law (un)Justice”) and compared it to the booklet “100 Years of Law & Justice” you would understand how the Maine BAR Association has taken over the Maine Constitution, the Maine Government, the Court system, Law enforcement and the Maine People by purposely changing and reforming the Constitution by repugnant resolves and Maine Laws by repugnant bills. If you had taken the time to read the report and Lise’s research, you would not have argued your belief that the people had the right to destroy the Maine Constitution if the people voted on Constitutional resolves.
To elaborate on the Maine Founders foresight to preserve liberty and freedom, it is written in Article 4, Part 3rd, section 1; this section could not have been written any clearer. This section gives the legislature the “full power to make and establish all reasonable laws and regulations for the defense and benefit of the people of this state, not repugnant to this Constitution, nor to that of the United States”. How can you believe that the people’s vote can change the interpretation or intent of the words defense, benefit & repugnant? Does that mean the Maine people can be fooled to vote for a repugnant bill that is not for the defense and benefit of the people and the enacted law will no longer be repugnant? That does not make sense!
Based on what you said at the meeting of the 14th is that you believe that the legislature has the right to make and establish all reasonable laws and regulations for the defense and benefit of the people of this state, as long as the people vote on it or condone it or do not contest it. No Governor, this does give them the right to change the interpretation of what is reasonable and for the defense and benefit of the people. What you are implying is: a bill or resolve is no longer repugnant if the people do not care, know or understand the Constitution or the laws passed by the legislature, that does not make sense either! Who was it or what group of people convinced you that the people could condone a repugnant resolve or bill. Yes Governor, you were misled and fooled!
This is how Communism took hold in China & Russia. This is how Hitler slowly changed the German people’s mind to be convinced to accept “National Socialism” (Nazism). Why is it so hard for you to see what is happening in Maine and why are you having such a hard time to understand that by ignoring our evidence is allowing them to continue their agenda?
We now know that your trusted staff has been infiltrated, every bit of information sent to you in the email as “CONFIDENTIAL” could now have been read without you knowing it. The packet of information that you requested, sent by Lise, to confirm the research, marked “PERSONAL”, was signed received, but not by you. When asked if you read it or if you had opened it, you said no. Who then signed for it and who now maintains it and who has access to it?
All of this information that you should have obviously read and kept under lock and key (for “your eyes only”), can be read by a member of your staff, and possibly sent to, and shared with the vary criminals that it reveals. Essentially, by ignoring the plans for strategy at the September 14th meeting, and because you no longer believe that the Legislature, the Court System and Law enforcement have been Constitutionally compromised, we may be at risk!
Lastly, as a result to this stalemate, we are reforming our approach to reveal our research with our affiliate state and national support groups to make sure that the Maine people and other interested people have the ability to be exposed to our research and we will let them know who took away their GOD given, inalienable, natural rights that were protected by their Constitution.
It was Benjamin Franklin who replied to Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia, after she asked: “Well doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” With no hesitation what so ever, Franklin responded, “a Republic, if you can keep it!” By fraud and deceit, the Maine people have not kept it, we no longer have a Republic! We thought that you would help us to get it back, but we were wrong! We were hoping that you would have stood by our side when this goes public (to the Maine people). We however, are happy that for a while, you did give us the time and you did listen to us, up to the end of the meeting of the 14th.
Thankx again, as always, sincerely, Phil
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