We cannot fix this with Politics
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We cannot fix this with Politics
Maine and America is in trouble and we cannot vote our way out of our mess. There are real crimes being done against our rights of the people by those who control all of the money, our courts, our judges and our laws. Some people blame it all on the to big and out of control Federal Government and say that we have to nullify the unconstitutional laws rules and regulations. Some blame it on the greed of Big Money, corporations and their lobbyists.
The real problem is the bankers and lawyers. Not just the Federal Reserve. Right from the start of the American Revolution as Ben Franklin described, “If it was not for the European Bankers, There probably would not have been the Revolution”. America won the freedom and liberty of our natural inherent unalienable rights through the Revolution of the 1700's. Ben Franklin says we have a Republic if we can keep it. Thomas Jefferson stated "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time"
America has lost its way, We the People no longer know what natural inherent unalienable rights are and how to live in Freedom and liberty. In fact most Americans do not realize we have lost everything that this nation was founded upon.
*** If I told you!!!
* If I told you the problem was the International Bankers took over the World Monetary System?
* If I told you that the British Bankers created the BAR Association for Lawyers? Would you understand that the original BAR meant British Accredited Registry?
* If I told you that the International Bankers financed and organized the American BAR Association for the Lawyers to take over the Federal Congress, State Legislators, The American Law, Court system, The Judges, from common law procedures of the Constitutional Government?
* If I told you that the International Bankers created the United Nations to be their One World Government and not the peaceful organization for a peaceful world without wars?
* If I told you that the International Bankers created World War I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm and have the complete Control over the Pentagon and American Military complex?
* If I told you that there is in affect a One World Governance system, would you know what that means?
* If I told you that the BAR association created the Corporate United States, Corporate States, Corporate Counties and Corporate Town governments to incorporate every Government Agency from the Federal Government to the Police department on Main Street, which is all monitored and controlled by BAR Association Lawyers?
* If I told you that the states no longer have constitutional laws, constitutional courts or constitutional Judges and operated by Federal Civil Procedures designed by the BAR Association Lawyers.
Would you understand what the problem in America was or would your eyes just glaze over and say it is to much conspiracy theory for me and reject it all because I’m just a nut case thinking that everyone is just out to get me and listening to every Phone conversation, watching all my email conversations, propagandizing all of the school education, entertainment and news system and controls all the college education of professionals.
* So what can I tell you that will make sense?
* Do I tell you that President Obama is the problem?
* Do I tell you it is Obama care?
* Do I tell you the Capitalist Republicans are the problem?
* Do I Tell you its those communist progressives in the Democrat party are the problem?
* Do I tell you it’s the Terrorists trying to kill us.
What if I told you that American Government was designed to be run by the authority of the people to have a very limited governance system brought down to Local control and authority of We the People. What if I told you that all elected servants and the employees of the American Governance system swears an oath to uphold the Constitutions of the State and Federal Government, would you understand that constitution beyond the word constitution?
Well I don’t really know what to tell you that could make enough sense for you to realize that America is in Trouble. Maine is in trouble. And it all boils down to the fact that our country does not run by any rules of the constitutions that organized the states and the nation. The people have no lawful order of the courts and judges and the lawyers are very well organized to destroy the meaning of the constitutional governance system of America through their interpretations of BAR laws and rules. We the People do not have a voice because our nation has been hijacked by a very clever scheme of the International Bankers who perpetrated a fraud upon this nation. They are well financed because they print all the money they need to destroy America and our freedoms and liberties.
The solution is for the people of every state in America to exert our right at all times in an orderly and peaceable manner to assemble to consult upon the common good, to give instructions to their representatives, and to request, of either department of the government by petition or REMONSTRANCE, redress of their wrongs and grievances. - Remonstrance -- Expostulation; strong representation of reasons against a measure, either public or private, and when addressed to a public body, a prince or magistrate, it may be accompanied with a petition or supplication for the removal or prevention of some evil or inconvenience. A party aggrieved presents a remonstrance to the legislature.(1828 Webster)
But the key word is that the People must Assemble to consult upon the common good, and bring our State and the nation back to the foundations that once made us the greatest nation on the planet under Gods Laws.
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