Gary's Letter to the Governor

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Gary's Letter to the Governor

Postby xjdigger » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:37 am

Honorable Governor LePage

I must say that our meeting went badly with you on Saturday September 14th, 2013. We had high hopes that with the evidence we had on the crime done to Maine citizens with the destruction of the constitutional state of Maine Government, we had anticipated a better results. We had an organized presentation ready, but some how it went into a chaotic discussion.

I know that you realize the mess our state is in, when it comes to attempting to get something done with common sense balance. Well the actual problem with America does have a common sense to it when one wants to realize what is going on. It is an intended destruction of the Constitutional Republic by a very clever scheme done by people who want to control the Money and power over the world to create a One World Government. This is an inherent power that corrupt men who seek with a full disrespect over the fellow man.

The American Revolution was fought to build an America of independent states organized to be limited governments to defend the natural, inherent and unalienable rights of all citizens that are born into this world with equal free and independent rights. The European Bankers did not want our government to succeed and for them to loose their power over the money and control over the commerce of the world. This was a continual battle for America to maintain a constitutional Republic. This is where the subject of the 1st Thirteenth Amendment for the Constitution for the United States of America came in. The European Bankers hired and trained lawyers to take over our congress to create a federal government with full power over the states, where as, the states were free and independent run by the authority of the citizens.

In our last meeting we introduced you to information, that our state does not have lawful courts or judges that is organized by the procedures of the constitution. The full story of how this has happened to Maine is in the “100 years of Law and Justice, Maine State BAR Association”. You must understand the history of the BAR is the British Accredited Registry from Europe. These lawyers worked in Maine in the same manner they worked in the Federal Government to take control over the law and destroy the affect of the constitution. The 100 year history shows where in 1959 the Conference of the Maine BAR Association stopped testing lawyers for common law procedures and the constitutional law because the Law Schools was not teaching it and the lawyers were no longer trained in the common law procedures of the constitutional law. The 100 year history shows many occurrences of the changes the lawyers were making in our government because they held 75% of the Senate, 60% of the House and 50% of governors were lawyers. This is the biggest fraud to ever to be laid upon anyone or society in the history of the world.

When one understands the organized crime that was being done to the constitutional government for Maine citizens, the complete mess our government has become makes complete logical common sense. Paul LePage we have presented to you the unconstitutional crimes against We the People of Maine. We the People of Maine ordained this government to Protect our Natural inherent Unalienable rights to live free and independent. That even includes you who was elected to be our supreme executive power of this State shall be vested in a Governor, and your duty to ensure that that is the way our government is operating.

As the four of us who have been holding remonstrance meetings with you, which we appreciate the honor we had in the historical meetings that have not occurred between government and citizens since the creation of this state, we applaud your efforts to understand our presentations. It is also sad that you think, according to the advice you received from your lawyers, that we have a right to petition a remonstrance, but the government does not have the duty to respond and we are amazed at such an accusation.

If you understand the constitution of the State of Maine, you would see in the preamble that “We the People of Maine” with the grace of God established this free and independent State and ordained this constitution as such. It is well identified in Article 1 Section 2 that the citizens have the complete authority over this government and the constitution represents a republic form of government guaranteed in the Constitution for the United States. Now when the citizens who hold the authority over the Government and not vise versa, when we present a remonstrance to hold a meeting to give some instructions to the leadership of the house and senate they must respond as they have sworn an oath to this constitution to respect the citizens rights in Article 1 Section 15 or they do not qualify to be upstanding or have the sobriety of manners to qualify to seat themselves in our government.

If we had a proper common law court, which Maine is a Common Law free and independent State, we could address our concerns of this violation with a properly legislated court and a properly commissioned Judge that is well qualified and accepted by our government through proper procedures, and have our session in court before a jury to judge whether or not our complaint is valid. Today the citizens do not have a voice that is respected by the Government of Maine because that government eliminated the courts and lawful judges to bring a case on the constitution, because the current court systems in Maine does not run by the authority of the constitution, but runs by the federal civil procedures created by the lawyers in the federal government system that got hijacked into a Corporation Act of 1871, with the jurisdiction of 10 mile square in the District of Columbia.

Our presentation to you on Saturday September 14th, 2013, was to be able to discuss the facts that we previously provided to you and had hoped that you would have studied and we could find out what your position was as the supreme executive power of this State shall be vested in a Governor. Our intent is to reestablish the constitution as the law of Maine and want a properly legislated court system with properly qualified and commissioned judges who preferably are not BAR Attorneys who do not hold an allegiance to the Constitution for the State of Maine.

Thank you for allowing us your time, Please contemplate the issues we set before you and decide for your self who you represent, We the People of Maine or the Bankers and their lawyers who hijacked our State of Maine and the United States o America.

Very Sincerely

Gary R Smart
One of the We the People of Maine

P.S Paul if you could send a confirmation that you received this message, I would appreciate it so I would know you actually heard from me.

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