Arrostook Watchman Presentation from Lise and Dotie

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Arrostook Watchman Presentation from Lise and Dotie

Postby xjdigger » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:01 am

Link to Audio ->

* Attorney General Denied our Claim
* It is the Citizen Authority to demand That we have a claim

* Lise - We have a Democracy since 1909
* Article 9 Section 3 - Commissioned
- Judges don’t have commission
- Judges have certificates - not in constitution
* 1843 Bouvier Law Dictionary ->
- Commissioned -- signed and sealed vests the office
- Cirtificate – Does not vest the person with an office
- Appointment act of Evidence of Vested and commissioned
* Letter Maine District Court – Freedom of Access Request– title 1 chapter 13 se 3 408a
- Judges do not have Commissions
* Archives in Augusta Last Commission of Judges 18?? To 1973 Thomas Delahany
* Changes made in 1975 ??
* Oath of Office needs an office to be commissioned first
* The commission records are in the Archives not law library
* Why no commission judge since 1973
* We do not have a system of justice we have a Private corporate syndicate running the courts
- Private courts who judge fiction
* No public officers commissioned judges, cannot exercise sovereignly of state of Maine.
* No judicial powers
- Administrative Law Judges or Hearing examiners
- Has no authority to hear a cause civil or criminal fine or jail
- No Judicial powers
* Courts
- We have State wide Courts
- No county Courts
* Constitution - Legislature is given the authority to create inferior courts from time to time
* 1821 statute laws of the state of Maine
- An act to establish courts of sessions -
- Courts of sessions in counties
- One chief justice no more than 4
- Appointed and commissioned by governor with advice and consent of the counsel
- No longer an governors counsel
- Section 2 CourtsWith in and for the counties of the state
- We have State wide courts today
- Supreme judicial court created in 1821
* The common Law is the Law of the Land
- We should have Common Law Courts
* Common Law courts should be brought forward
* 1956 Attorneys had a meeting and the Samoset
- Discuss common law pleadings and proceeding
* Younger members of the bar had no training in common law procedures
* Law Schools no longer trained on Common Law Procedures
* Lawyers canceled the common law procedures
* BAR Association reorganizes court procedures
* Common Law courts was gotten rid of by the lawyers
* They went to civil rules of procedures
* Common law courts use writs
* Must use fictional court pleadings
* TM38:00
* 1891 Act to incorporate to Maine State BAR Corporation created in
- Statute 65 legislation 1891 Chapter 167
- For the purpose of promoting the interests of the legal profession
* Congress does not have the authority to create an association of privileged people
* Tm 39:26
* Laws of the State of Maine 1821 ch 54
- Act establishing supreme judicial court
- Inhabitant of state
- Sobriety of manners
- Learned in the law
- Appointed and Commissioned
* Laws 1821 ch 54 an act to establish a supreme judicial court
- Supreme judicial court of state
- Judges are appointed and commissioned
* Attorney General must operate in Common Law
* An appointment is an insufficient process for a judge
* TM 40:52
* 1822 public acts - An act to establish a court of Common pleas
- Section 2 - Judges shall be appointed and Commissioned
* 1822 Public acts of the state of Maine
- An act to establish a court of common pleas
* No Judges, No common Law courts
- Sectioned 2 Appointed and commissioned - subriety of manners = Learned in the law
* Certificate of Qualification - Meet ciertan qualification

* Certificate of qualification
* BAR lawyers are not learned in the Law
* TM43:00
* 100 years Maine BAR Page 33
- No training in common law procedures
* Francis Sullivan in 1956
- 7 common law states - Maine is a common Law state.
* Lawyers was not educated in Common law on purpose

* Jack -> Attorney General Web Site
- The leading case on the powers and duties of the Attorney General
- Superintendent of Insurance vs the Attorney General 1989
- The essential principle stated by the court in this landmark decision is that the Attorney General Posses Constitutional and Common Law Authority

* No laws abolished the Common law in Maine
* Title 30 Section 4 State Statutes => The Laws of the State of Maine are the Statutes, Constitution and Common Law
* TM46:15
* 1841 Law book of Maine - The district court shall continue - State divided into 3 districts
- Section 5 District court shall continue
- 3 districts
- shall be justices in and for the district
- Section 9 - Court of Record and Common Law jurisdiction
* tm48:20
* 1878 public laws ch 10 an act to facilitate to establish court in Kenebek County
- Court Still exists
- Appointed Commissioned and Qualified
* There are four superior courts in the State of Maine
* tm49:50
* 1929 consolidated courts to Maine State wide Courts
- Law Court
* 100 years bar pg 9 = Reforms discussed bills to reform court system
* Error Ended 50:30

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