Lawful Money and Banking

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Lawful Money and Banking

Postby xjdigger » Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:05 am

The intent of constitutional lawful money is to have money based on real valued asset not a debt based currency that is printed upon demand by a private for profit banking system.

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Re: Lawful Money and Banking

Postby Zeno of Citium » Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:05 pm

For the (money) tool, to be lawful it must have a tangible basis that guarantees a certain inherent, solid, and dependable value. Verbal promises, guarantees based on the faith and credit of the issuer cannot be considered a sound basis on which people and businesses can rely to make decisions about investments and savings. What incentive is there to save for future investments in business, or savings to purchase a home or car, or for college education for children when the money will be worth less (or worthless) at that future date when it is to be utilized? How can people plan its use for investment attempts that would create products and services, and thus increase employment?
The fiat dollars created by the (un)Federal (non)Reserve are actually produced with a keystroke on a computer - then printed by the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. They merely inflate (dilute) the dollars existing at the time. It is simply adding more "water to the Kool Aid", or coffee....... weakening the original. We must eliminate this fraudulent system that was imposed upon the country 100 years ago, and return to, or implement a money tool of true value on which we can all depend - investors, workers, and retirees. There are several plans and ideas available that could accomplish this objective.

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