Category Archives: Prayer

Tyranny in Maine

Tyranny in Maine
 * Starts when the people loose sight of the supreme law of the land.
 * The supreme law of the land here in Maine starts with the blessings of the supreme Architect of the universe as identified in the preamble of our constitution for the government of Maine.

 * The revolution of American government was defined by our founders of people who lived 1st by the law of God and drafted these words to a King who became a tyrant who lost the sight of the supreme order of this world.

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What’s Up With Judges?

old antique bible as an open book with sunlight bursting from the pages

The Bangor Daily posted this weekend regarding a federal judge in Maine:
— A federal judge on Saturday ruled that Gov. Janet Mills’ prohibition on in-person worship services does not violate the First Amendment. Calvary Chapel in Orrington and its pastor, Ken Graves, sued the governor in U.S. District Court in Bangor. The lawsuit alleged that Mills’ order, designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, violated the freedom of religion and assembly clauses of the First Amendment and other laws designed to protect houses of worship.

Appointed by Obama: Maine Judge Nancy Torresen

In Kentucky, there’s a different story. Churches can open.

Who appointed the 3 judges involved in KY, where 1 upheld the complaint and two said barring people to go to church is constitutional?

Appointed by Obama- David Hale:

Appointed by Carter- William Bertlesmann

Appointed by Bush 43: Gregory Van Tatenhove
He upheld the church complaint and issued the temporary restraining order.

Are we seeing a pattern here? Judicial tyranny against the First Amendment must be stopped. Judges who use their bench to trash the Constitution must be removed. What say you?

WE Pray For Maine & Nation

old antique bible as an open book with sunlight bursting from the pages

We pray for the American Revival to oust Satan from our lands, We pray for those good people who are stuck in the deception of Churchianity while celebrating the holidays of Satan worshiping to awaken to the true knowledge of God Yahovah and his son Yashua who shed his blood upon the covenant of Gods law to Mankind.

We pray for a full disclosure of who the Edomites are and there mission to destroy the good of the world by spreading their blood sucking filth across the nations.

We pray for the Israelites to arise in knowledge to their mission of priests and Kings to spread the word to awaken the good of society and stand against the evil that has perpetuated through all things.

We pray for the knowledge of America which was separated from the single land mass of God Yahovah’s creation to be the shining beacon of the New World and resurrect the constitutional republic to preserve the law of God in Government form as authorized by the authority of the people to defend and benefit all natural inherent and unalienable rights of people and to establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for our mutual defense, promote our common welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty, acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity, so favorable to the design; and, imploring His aid and direction in its accomplishment.

We pray for the continued protection and safety of Donald Trump and the men behind him to finish his mission of draining the government swamp that has hijacked America with the deception of pure evil and awaken the masses to stand up and assist this great mission so God can Bless America again.

We pray for a true American revival to awaken the people of the sins of the world to stand for a second revolution of America to peacefully oust the blood sucking satanist from their ability to deceive us no more and bind them up for the judgement of God Yahovah and his son Yashua who was granted the power and authority of this earth as it is in Heaven. It is our window of time to assemble the masses to stand for the good of this world and may God Bless America Again. – Gary Smart 4/23/20