All posts by Xj Digger

Stop Agenda 21

Stop Agenda 21

Chose Freedom 21

JBS CEO Arthur R. Thompson introduces the Stop Agenda 21 action project and shows how the UN’s Local Agenda 21 program may already be in your local community, through your home town or city’s membership in ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Agenda 21 seeks for the government to curtail your freedom to travel as you please, own a gas-powered car, live in suburbs or rural areas, and raise a family. Furthermore, it would eliminate your private property rights through eminent domain. Agenda 21 can be stopped at the local level by organizing and informing others to encourage local government officials to end their community’s membership in ICLEI and to repeal any of the Agenda 21-related “sustainable development” laws and ordinances they have enacted (Read More)


Freedom Advocates

Our mission is to advance the principles of freedom to individuals and government through public discourse.

Freedom Advocates represents a cross-section of people from all political parties and backgrounds who are united in the principles of individual liberty, equal justice and the constitutional administration of government. People are born with unalienable rights and government exists to protect those rights. Rather than bureaucrats mandating indoctrination programs, parents should direct the terms of their child’s education. Rather than bureaucrats taking the use of private property, the ideals of private property should be protected by government.

Letter to the Editor American Rights

*** American Rights of Freedom and Liberty

I’m Gary Smart an American Christian man of Maine and I would like to address and correct information printed about me about my expired plates and license. I do not register my personal property or ask for license to do something I have a free right to do. I never said I was a sovereign citizen because I am not, that title belongs to the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe and I have never received any notice from the State of Maine suspending my license, I just did not renew any more licenses or registrations to government agencies.

What part of freedom and independence do we not understand? The People Ordain the constitutions of Maine and the United States of America to have a limited form of government which guarantees a republic form only protect our rights to live as free and independent Americans from government intrusive rules.

We the People of Maine have Natural Inherent and Unalienable rights that all government servants swear an oath to defend and protect. A government servant is anyone who works for the towns, counties, State and Federal Government and they must follow the laws of the land as prescribed in the State and Federal Constitutions. Have you read the State and Federal Constitutions? Most Government servants who swear an oath to this have not read their laws and our Government Schools do not teach them.

My message to all public servants is do you really know what you are doing to your fellow people of America. Everything you do has to be defined by a public attorney and you think they are telling you what the law is. You are being indoctrinated, and severely misinformed about the true Law of the Land as prescribed by our constitution, yet you swear an oath to support and defend those constitutions. When have you been told by your supervisors or Lawyers that your duties are to the people and the laws have to agree with the Constitutional mandates that the people ordained and established this government by?

The People have the authority over Government servants unless you consent to being a PERSON in the Maine Revised Statutes where Maine Corporate law has the jurisdiction to rule against PERSONS rights to be a free and independent American. Those rights are given up when you register your vehicle or buy a government license for something you have a free right to do in America. You find this in the MAINE REVISED STATUTES, TITLE 1 CHAPTER 1, PARAGRAPH 1, 1st Sentence “The jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State extend to all places within its boundaries, subject ONLY to such rights of concurrent jurisdiction as are granted by the State over places ceded by the State to the United States.”

#15. Person.  “Person” may include a body corporate.
#21. State.  “State,” used with reference to any organized portion of the United States, may mean a territory or the District of Columbia.
#26-A. United States.  “United States” includes territories and the District of Columbia.

* Definition of May in the Blacks Law 4th is- Regardless  the instrument, however, whether constitution, statute, deed, contract or whatnot, courts not infrequently construe “may” as “shall” or “must” to the end that justice may not be the slave of grammar.

    – Definition of  INCLUDE. in the Blacks Law 4th is- (Lat. inclaudere, to shut in, keep within). To confine within, hold as in an inclosure, take in, attain, shut up, contain, inclose, comprise, comprehend, embrace, involve.

Our Public servants do not read their own laws that provides the people the remedy of charging them up to $10,000 for each violation of the peoples rights found in the  UNITED STATES CODE – TITLE 18 – CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE – PART I – CRIMES CHAPTER 13 – CIVIL RIGHTS #241 and #242. Our Government servants can personally be held accountable for violating their Oaths to us and charged with Breach of Fiduciary Duties, Misprision of Felony, Misprision of Treason and actually treason when they war against our Constitutions.

* 18 U.S. Code § 241. Conspiracy against rights
– If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
– If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured –
– They shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results, they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

* 18 U.S. Code § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law
– Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such inhabitant being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

* 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony
– Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

* 18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of treason
– Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

* 29 U.S. Code § 1109 – Liability for breach of fiduciary duty
– (a) Any person who is a fiduciary with respect to a plan who breaches any of the responsibilities, obligations, or duties imposed upon fiduciaries by this subchapter shall be personally liable to make good to such plan any losses to the plan resulting from each such breach, and to restore to such plan any profits of such fiduciary which have been made through use of assets of the plan by the fiduciary, and shall be subject to such other equitable or remedial relief as the court may deem appropriate, including removal of such fiduciary. A fiduciary may also be removed for a violation of section 1111 of this title.
(b) No fiduciary shall be liable with respect to a breach of fiduciary duty under this subchapter if such breach was committed before he became a fiduciary or after he ceased to be a fiduciary.

* 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Why are the people being prosecuted by our government and courts and do not know the rights they really have to live Free and Independent from government rules and regulations that violate the constitutions that we have the authority of ordainment?
(1.) Because the Government Schools indoctrinate the people to be PERSONS ruled by DEMOCRACY.
(2.) The Bankers and Lawyers have hijacked this nation ever since the civil war of th 1800’s and placed America under Martial Law which has always been an illegal and unconstitutional act of our government system.
(3.) The Courts ignore the rights and freedoms of the people and charge them as being Subjects or PERSONS secretly contracted to corporations and rule over the rights of Americans.
(4.) Maine does not have an operational common law court to prosecute the Law of the constitution.
(5.) All the Courts in Maine are Private corporations under the franchise of the District of Columbia.
(6.) Maine does not have any lawfully commissioned judges established by a Constitutional law of the State of Maine that is ordained by the People.
(7.) The Judges in Maine are appointed by the Maine State Corporation which is franchised by the District of Columbia.

THE STATE OF MAINE is not the constitutional state ordained by the people in 1820 but a private corporation listed in Dunn and Bradstreet which has not been found in Maine’s Legislation but has been evidenced by the corporate charter of the Maine Revised Statutes as defined as a territory of the UNITED STATES (Corporation)

Supreme Courts have ruled for the Rights and freedoms of America since this nation was founded. Especially in May 27, 1901 Downes v. Bidwell – 182 U.S. 244 (1901) IMPORTANCE OF THIS CASE: This Supreme Court decision confirmed, with finality, the doctrine that there are two “United States”; one under the Constitution, and one not under the Constitution. This latter “United States” consists of all people or other entities which are under federal “jurisdiction”. The Court stated, with sobering candor, that these have no constitutional rights! (Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt  324 U.S. 652  (65 S. Ct. 870) April 9, 1945  Opinion written by Chief J. Stone)

The United States Corporation was created by Congress in order for the British Bankers to finance due to the Bankruptcy from the Civil War with an Act titled: “An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia.” This is also known as the “Act of 1871.”

* 1871 a corporation known as, “THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT”, was formed
– It trademarked the names “United States”, “U.S.”, “U.S.A.”, “USA”, and “America”.  The corporation was not well received by the people and by the end of 1873, it was defunked.
– An Act To Provide a Government for The District of Columbia 1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia
* The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter “Corp. U.S.”, Trademark name, “United States Government”) owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law.  This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia.
– In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution’s 13th Amendment and the national constitution’s 14th, 15th and 16th amendments are respectively numbered 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the Corp. U.S. Constitution.  At this point take special notice and remember this Corp. U.S. method of adopting their own Constitution, they will add to it in the same manner in 1913.

American Government Authority has gone beyond its jurisdiction and then when we stop consenting to the unconstitutional and abusive laws our government makes we can live free and independent as long as we do not violate someone else’s rights.

* For an example in the Maine Constitution ARTICLE IV.-PART  THlRD. LEGISLATIVE POWER. SECT. 1. The Legislature shall convene on the first ,Wednesday of January annually, and shall have full power to make and establish an reasonable lavys and regulations for the defense and benefit of the people of this State, not repugnant to this Constitution, nor to that of the United States.  Legislature to meet annually. The Legislature, with the exceptions hereinafter stated, shall have full power to make and establish all reasonable laws and regulations for the defense and benefit of the people of this State, not repugnant to this Constitution, nor to that of the United States.

* The Common Law is the Law of the land that is established by our founders when the united states of America was formed. This is the true source of our freedoms and liberties established upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution against Brittan, establishing our government form with the Articles of Confederation and creating the Constitution for the United States of America. But We the People establish and ordain the state government with a constitutional law that our public servants must swear and oath to and perform their duties to protect the natural inherent and unalienable rights of the people to live free and independent.
* Common Law is based on God’s Law. Anytime someone is charged under the Common Law, there must be a “damaged party”. You are free under the Common Law to do anything you please, as long as you do not infringe on the life, liberty or property of someone else.
* The Common Law goal is to get our “Republic” back operating for the people, by the people, and of the people.
* 1828 Webster Dictionary defines the Republic 1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person.
* In the United States of America our government system is defined by the constitutions to be a republic form of government and establishes limits of what government personnels duties and responsibilities are.
I am not a criminal just violating law, I am an American Christian of Maine standing up for my rights and helping to lead an example to others with a message to stop being a subject of government but be a authority by which our government is ordained and established. Our Freedoms and Liberties are being destroyed by the lack of knowledge and We the People must break the bonds of deception to enjoy our Natural inherent and unalienable rights that our country was founded upon.

Gary Smart Lincoln Maine



To: Paul R. LePage, acting as Governor of Maine

We, the undersigned, make this Affidavit of Truth & Facts, of our own free will, and we hereby affirm, declare, and swear under our Oath, that we are of legal age, and of sound mind, and hereby attest that the information contained in this Affidavit of Truth & Facts is true and correct.

This Affidavit of Truth & Facts (hereinafter Affidavit) is lawful notification to you, and is hereby made and sent to you pursuant to the national Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, in particular, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, and The Declaration of Rights of the Constitution of the State of Maine, in particular, Article I, §§1 through 24; this Affidavit requires your written rebuttal to us, specific to each and every point of the subject matter stated herein, within thirty (30) days, via your own sworn and notarized Affidavit, using fact, law, and evidence to support your rebuttal of the specific subject matter stated in this Affidavit. You are hereby noticed that your failure to respond as stipulated, and rebut with particularity and specificity, anything with which you disagree in this Affidavit, is your lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit is true, correct, legal, lawful, and fully binding upon you in any court in the United States of America, without your protest or objection, and that of those who represent you.

We, the undersigned, hereby swear and affirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that the following actions and events took place:

The numbered statements listed below specify some of your unconstitutional actions, which you have conducted in violation of your oath, in opposition to due process of law, and in violation of inherent rights secured to the people of Maine in and by the national and state Constitutions.

1. Paul R. LePage, Governor of the State of Maine according to the Maine Constitution, Article V, Part First, §§ 2 – 4, for the purpose of “accepting the public trust”, has sworn or affirmed the following Oaths:
“I, Paul R. LePage, do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State, so long as I shall remain a citizen thereof. So help me God.”

“I, Paul R. LePage, do swear, that I will faithfully discharge, to the best of my abilities, the duties incumbent upon me as Governor according to the Constitution and laws of the State. So help me God.”

2. Having been duly elected, having sworn or affirmed your Oaths of Office, and lawfully assuming the Office of Governor of the State of Maine, you, Paul R. LePage were authorized, and given the power through the Constitution for the State of Maine, Article IV, Part Third, §2, to sign into law such Bills, which are constitutionally compliant, that were passed by both Houses of the Maine Legislature, and approved by you. You have no constitutional authority, to approve, pass, support in any way, or sign into law, Bills, Acts, Resolves or other actions that oppose the Constitutions in any manner, whatsoever. Since you have the duty to ensure that all laws are faithfully followed, you are required to support and sign only those laws which fully comply with the mandates, restrictions and protections set forth in the national and state Constitutions.

3. As Governor, you were given the power to veto those Legislative Bills, with which you disagreed, and to disregard Legislative Bills that were reconsidered after your veto and returned to you for your signature, allowing them to pass into law without your further disapproval or objection.

4. As Governor, you were given the power to disapprove dollar amounts in appropriation bills via a line-item veto of that amount, and to insert another dollar amount of which you approved. Constitution for the State of Maine, Article IV, Part Third, §2.

5. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, and 17-A MRSA §§352-355, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign L.D. 287 into law on May 7, 2013, which amended 7 MRSA §§306-A, sub-§3 Rulemaking & §307 Special projects, and which, according to the language therein, did unlawfully allow contracts, and funding through grants and subsidies, to private enterprises for “agricultural development projects” that are not for the benefit or general welfare of the public, by redistributing the People’s wealth (the fruits of their labors) without their consent. This is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights to liberty, property, unimpaired contracts, due process and equal protection of the laws. Therefore, you, Paul. R. LePage, did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6, 6-A, 11, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §10, and Amendments V, IX, X, and XIV.

6.  In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, and 17-A MRSA §§352-355, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign emergency legislative bill L.D. 1109 into law on May 7, 2013, which amended 36 MRSA §5219-HH, sub-§1,J, and which did unlawfully authorize the redistribution, either directly or indirectly, to private enterprises, and not for the benefit of any general public purpose, of significant amounts (tens of millions of dollars) of the People’s wealth (the fruits of their labors) without their consent. This is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights to property, unimpaired contracts, due process and equal protection of the laws, and did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and did violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §§9, 10, and Amendments V, IX, X, and XIV.

7. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, and 17-A MRSA §§352-355, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign L.D. 78, An Act To Expand Transitional Assistance for Families, into law on May 17, 2013, which amended 22 MRSA §3762, sub-§8,B, and does unlawfully authorize, and even increase, the redistribution of the People’s wealth (the fruits of their labors), without their consent, to other working individuals, which is not for the benefit of the general public, but for a specific, selected segment of people, which is discriminatory, and clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and Constitutionally protected rights to property, unimpaired contracts, due process, and equal protection of the laws, and did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and did violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §§9, 10, and Amendments V, IX, X, and XIV.

8. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign L.D. 175 into law on May 23, 2013, which, in 10 MRSA §9721, sub-§A-1, as amended, subjects private property, especially real property, to the possession, regulation, and/or control of international organizations and entities, e. g. International Code Council (ICC), some of which have members with allegiance to Communist nations and should be considered our enemies. This is clearly contrary and repugnant to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights to possess and enjoy property, unimpaired contracts, due process, and equal protection of the laws, and did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and did violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 12, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §§9 & 10, Article III, §3, and Amendments IV, V, IX, X, and XIV.

9. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, and 17-A M.R.S.A. §§352-355, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign L.D. 1 into law on May 7, 2013, which amends the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act of 1992, specifically, 39-A MRSA §102, sub-§§1, 8, ¶A; 39-A MRSA §105, sub-§§3 & 4 (which denies access to due process and equal protection of the laws) ; 39-A MRSA, §217, sub-§1; 39-A MRSA, §218, sub-§3; 39-A MRSA, §303; 39-A MRSA, §312, sub-§1; 39-A MRSA, §318, last¶; 39-A MRSA, §320, 2nd & 3rd¶s; 39-A MRSA, §321-B, sub-§1, ¶B; §321-B, sub-§3; and 39-A MRSA, §324, sub-§1, all of which mandates unlawful fiduciary details, and interferes with, obfuscates, and impairs employer, employee, and/or insurance provider Contracts, which is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights to acquire, possess, protect and enjoy property, to obtain safety and happiness, to unimpaired contracts, due process, and equal protection of the laws, and you, Paul R. LePage, did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §10, and Amendments V, IX, X, and XIV.

10. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign L.D. 345 into law on April 26, 2013, which repealed 25 MRSA §2006 (as amended), and replaced it with a new 25 MRSA §2006, which in §1. Application, refusals, and collected information; proceedings, clearly recognizes that permits for handguns are required, information obtained is recorded (although to be confidential), but which is still clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights to keep and bear arms, that is never to be “infringed” or “questioned”, and the inherent rights to acquire, possess, protect and enjoy life, liberty and property, to obtain safety and happiness, to unimpaired contracts, to due process, and equal protection of the laws. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and violate Article I, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 16, 19, 21, and 24 of the Maine Constitution’s Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States of America, Article I, §10, and Amendments II, V, IX, X, and XIV.

11. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, and 17-A M.R.S.A. §753, sub§1-B,E, you, Paul R. LePage, did fail to honor and abide by the Claimants’ right to instruct their representatives, and did fail to respond promptly, and in lawful, specific detail, to the Claimants’ requests, through the constitutional process of a Remonstrance, for a redress of their wrongs and grievances, and to allegations of specific and serious crimes of fraud, perjury, breach of trust, violation of the People’s rights, and implied treasonous acts, but relied on staff attorneys who determined that there were no explicit or implied requirements for a reply, or obedience to the instructions therein given by the People. This was clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions for Maine and the United States of America and in particular the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, and Article I of the Maine Constitution, in particular, §§ 1, 2, 4, 6, 6-A, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 24. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights, perjure your Oath of Office, and breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust.

12. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, you, Paul R. LePage, signed L.D. 1553  into law on June 29, 2011, which authorized public charter schools in Maine, and which, in 20-A M.R.S.A. §2403, sub§2 authorized application for, and acceptance of, federal funds for public education purposes, specifically for public charter schools, but which, according to 20-A M.R.S.A. §2403, sub§§3 & 4, states that these funds must be used according to federal law and national standards, surrendering a significant portion of control from locally elected people to unelected bureaucrats within an “education service provider” organization. This is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage, did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights, did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust, and did violate Article I, §8 of the Constitution of the United States of America (which grants no power to the national government to be involved in the control or funding of education in the State Republics), the Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America, and Article I of the Maine Constitution, in particular, §§1, 2, 6-A, 11, 15, 21, and 24, and Article VIII, Part First, §1.

13. In violation of 18 U.S.C. §§241, 242, you, Paul R. LePage, did sign into law, L.D. 1798, An Act To Reform Land Use Planning in the Unorganized Territory, into law on May 21, 2012, which, in §3, amends 12 MRSA, §681 Purpose and scope, to state that “The Legislature finds that it is desirable to extend principles of sound planning, zoning and development to the unorganized and deorganized townships”, and leaves the language in, that “The Legislature declares it to be in the public interest, for the public benefit, for the good order of the people of this State and for the benefit of the property owners and residents of the unorganized and deorganized townships of the State to encourage” planned management and use of land and resources. This unlawfully surrenders and transfers control, and/or regulation of millions of acres of private property to unauthorized and unelected bureaucrats. Section 7 of L.D. 1798, creates a totally new section of 12 MRSA, §683-A, that creates the Maine Land Use Planning Commission (hereinafter “LUPC”), as established by 5 MRSA §12004-D, sub-§1-A, “within the Department of Conservation”, that is to “carry out the purposes stated in section 681”. Section 10 of L.D. 1798, makes further amendments to 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§1. Clarification and districting of lands, that allows the “commission” to make rules regarding the boundaries and standards of, and within unorganized and deorganized areas of the state, that clearly and unequivocally violate private property rights, e. g. sub-§1, Protection districts, states that “Areas where development would jeopardize….precipitous slopes wildlife habitat, and other areas critical to the ecology of the region.” But, in 12 MRSA, §685-A, sub-§11. Exemptions, it states that “..Public Utilities Commission under Title 35-A, section 122 may be wholly or partially exempted from regulation….” If so, it appears logical to conclude that this could include the building of access roads for, and the construction of huge wind-powered generators, and other “development projects” in locations where a private property owner could not. This is clearly discretionary and discriminatory, except in the eyes of the Legislature and you, Governor Paul R. LePage, according to Section 17 of L.D. 1798, which creates a new statute, 12 MRSA §685-B, sub-§2-C Wind energy development;…., that exempts, almost totally, any provisions of the law that pertains to individual property owners, in favor of those “developers” because it gives all land use determining power to the “commission through this sentence: “The commission shall hold a hearing on application for such a development and shall render its determination on the application.” Furthermore, Section 12 of L.D. 1798, enacts another brand new statute, 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§4-A, that transfers jurisdiction from the “commission” to a “plantation or municipality”, with little or no regard shown for the owner of the property, and which “original commission” jurisdiction could be considered questionable, at best, for nobody can transfer rights or powers, to another person or group of people, that they do not possess themselves. This is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of freedom, inherent property rights, contract rights, equal protection of the laws, violates due process of law, and conjointly, is repugnant to the Constitutions of Maine and the United States of America, and in particular the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, and Article I of the Maine Constitution, in particular, §§ 1, 2, 4, 6, 6-A, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 24. Therefore, you, Paul R. LePage did willfully and fraudulently conspire to violate the Claimants’ inherent and constitutionally protected rights, did perjure your Oath of Office, breach your fiduciary duty, and the Public Trust.

14. Your actions, as Governor, in support and implementation of industrial wind projects throughout Maine, under the alleged auspices of the unconstitutional LD 2283, are a disgrace and an affront to the People of Maine, who have been grievously harmed by these wind projects, either directly or indirectly. It appears that the profits and corrupt practices of industrial wind corporations, in collusion with state officials, are considered by Maine politicians to be more important than the rights secured to the People in the national and state Constitutions. The people of Maine have the constitutional expectation that their government officers will protect their rights, their safety and uphold due process of law, and not violate these, as a routine custom, practice and policy of state government. Your support of the actions conducted by the Maine DEP concerning industrial wind projects, which are pernicious to Maine’s environment and her people, are unconstitutional and border on criminal. The Maine DEP routinely has approved wind projects that directly harm the people of Maine, damage their health, threaten their safety, allow the destruction of mountain tops, pollute the ground and water, kill scores of birds, eagles, bats, and wreak havoc on the environment and ecosystems of Maine. Maine’s DEP theoretically exists to protect the environment, not devastate it. The routine fraud conducted by the DEP against the inherent rights of the people has been permitted under your watch, as Governor and Chief Executive Officer, in denial of the requirement imposed upon you that all laws must be faithfully followed. Maine’s DEP, Maine’s Legislature, agencies, police and courts routinely violate oaths taken, as their usual custom, practice and policy. You have allowed all of these constitutional violations to take place and you are personally responsible and liable for your actions.

15. Wayne Leach mailed a Letter, dated November 27, 2013, to you by Certified Mail, which was delivered to you at the State Capitol Postal Center, and was signed for by a Dick Sherburne, on December 2, 2013. This Letter required a response, within thirty (30) days from the letter’s date, and a rebuttal, with particularity, constitutionally supported positions and authority, truth, evidence, fact, and valid law, of anything in it, with which you disagree. This Letter notified you that: “Your failure to respond as stipulated, is your agreement with, and admission to the fact that everything in this Letter is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable agreement attesting to this, and which is fully binding upon you in any court in the United States of America, without your protest or objection and that of those who represent you.”. This Letter was approved, supported, and agreed to by 26 other Citizens of the State of Maine.

16. There has been no response at all received from you, or anyone representing you, by the date of this Affidavit. Therefore, your silence is your agreement and acquiescence to all the material, statements, allegations, violations, and other averments within said Letter.

Lawful notification has been provided to you stating that, if you do not rebut the statements, charges and averments made in this Affidavit of Truth & Facts, then you agree with, and admit to them.  Pursuant to that lawful notification, if you disagree with anything stated under oath in this Affidavit of Truth & Facts, then rebut that with which you disagree, with particularity, within thirty (30) days of receipt thereof, by means of your own written, notarized affidavit of truth, based on specific, relevant fact and valid constitutional, common, and statutory law to support your disagreement, attesting to your rebuttal and supportive positions, as valid and lawful, under the pains and penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America and those of this State of Maine. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is your agreement with, and admission to the fact that everything in this Affidavit of Truth & Facts is true, correct, legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable admission attesting to this, and that it is fully binding upon you in any court of law in America, without your protest or objection, and that of those who represent you.

Affiants further sayeth naught.
All rights reserved without prejudice.

We, the undersigned, make this Affidavit of Truth & Facts, of our own free will, and we hereby affirm, declare, and swear under our Oath (or affirmation), that we are of legal age, and of sound mind, and hereby attest that the information contained in this Affidavit of Truth & Facts is true and correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Signed, this _________ day of _______________________________, 20____.





In the State of Maine        )
and                )
County of ___________________    )

I swear or affirm that on this ________ day of ________________ , 20____, these, and only these Affiants, (Notary: Please draw a Red Line through any unused blanks.):

1. ________________________________,         4. ________________________________,

2. ________________________________,         5. ________________________________,

3. ________________________________,         6. ________________________________,

appeared before me, and of his/her/their own free will, signed this Affidavit of Truth & Facts.

Notary Public Signature

Printed or Stamped Name of Notary

My Commission Expires:_____________________




 You only fail when you give up.
You can withstand failure as
long as you don’t give up

If your life goes wrong see if
it is your fault that it has.
Do not blame it onto others or
society or anything else


Life is going to be difficult;
dreadful things will happen.


Not in the sense of being mean
to others, but tough with your-
self. And make a deadly effort
not to be defeated.


Treason and The Right to Bear Arms

Spokesperson Phil Merletti

As the Progressive radicals and Anti-gun factions raise the debate to a fever pitch, it is essential to not let anyone distract us away from the real facts and issues at hand. We hope that what follows will clarify the real dispute that needs to be understood and how to put the debate to bed forever. This editorial may be considered lengthy, but it was reduced to the least amount to still be considered educational.

Less than a hundred years before the Declaration of Independence was presented to the British Monarchy, John Locke a British historian of law and philosopher, set the stage as to what law is; his definition was: “The law of nature…is the law of reason.”

In 1760 a British legal Scholar Sir William Blackstone wrote, “The State of Nature has a Law of Nature to govern it.” He said that it was the “State of Nature” and all functions were fundamental and that the natural rights of all mankind may be reduced to three principal or primary articles; “the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right of private property.” Because these rights were viewed as common, natural, proven and by nature itself, what could be more accurate and evident then nature and balance? These rights were viewed as natural rights that were based on nature’s balanced laws, or given by nature or better yet given by GOD. Because these rights were GOD given, these rights were considered and assumed to be untouchable, unchangeable, immutable and therefore unalienable.

Blackstone also theorized that if man had the GOD given right to life, liberty and property, he therefore had the right to the preservation of these rights. He said: “All men are free and equal, and all men must respect the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property.” Seven years before the Declaration of Independence was signed, in 1769 Samuel Adams quoted Blackstone’s theory that individuals are free to take up arms “to protect and maintain the three great primary rights of personal security, personal liberty and private property.” Three years later, Sam Adams and Ben Franklin wrote “Among the natural right of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; secondly, liberty; thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can”.

It is correct to assume that people organize into larger numbers and societies for mutual interest and to protect each other.  Thomas Paine believed that “government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worse state an intolerable one.” He also stated that the “great and chief end of men (willfully) organizing under government institutions is the preservation of the property.”

In 1772, Samuel Adams and Ben Franklin also wrote “When men enter into society, it is by voluntary consent; and they have a right to demand and insist upon the performance of such conditions……”

Our founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these natural rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

Our founding fathers also wrote in the second amendment:
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In the Maine Constitution, Article I, section 2 it reads:
All power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit; that they have therefore an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.

In the Maine Constitution, Article I, section 16 it reads:
Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.

When the founders authored the Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, the 10th Amendment and the Maine Constitution, these documents were not conceived in a vacuum. Every word, sentence, paragraph and chapter was scrutinized to obtain the maximum goals to secure the freedom and liberty granted forever by ensuring the unalienable rights given by their creator. (Reference the “Federalist / J” papers)

Every conceivable piece of information ever recorded in history was critically collected, searched, investigated, restudied and reformed to forge a fluid transaction from tyranny to independent freedoms and liberty under a government that was responsible and accountable to its people. The primary intent was that the power of the government would be forever recognized as emanating from the individual, to the local municipality, to the county and to the state. The states in combination with their full rights would form a united government that was only responsible to the states decree, directed and controlled by the people.

Knowing the potential evil of governmental and political power is a fail-safe and last resort which was skillfully inserted into both the U.S. and Maine Constitutions. Short of a full blown insurrection, the U.S. Constitution says that it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it (the government), and to institute new government.” And the Maine Constitution is written to say “the Maine People have an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.” This language is indisputable as to who has the power and what the responsibility of the people is. Both Constitutions give the (untouchable, unchangeable, immutable and unalienable) right to the people to “keep and bear Arms” and the Maine constitution goes one-step further and it reads: And that right “shall not be questioned.”

These two sections have for years become controversial because those that fear guns or believe in gun confiscation have unknowingly been fooled and used. They have been distracted and manipulated by political professionals to change the argument away from the universal, natural right and GOD-given right to preservation of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and property. Schools no longer teach these two passages have helped keep this country from tyrannical people from taking over our government and destroying our state and U.S. Constitutions. Also gun ownership and the use for home, property and personal and family protection is the first line of defense against criminal actions. Every incident involving the use of firearms is recorded in every municipality and the incidence of appropriate gun use is preponderant to the illegal use of firearms by criminals and the mentally unstable. Police departments will admit they cannot perceive a crime before it is perpetrated; therefore they cannot protect the potential victims, but to only respond after the incident.

Since the sixties, there has been a slow, methodical process from the progressive movement who wish to destroy our Constitutions and the rights that are protected in them. They have infiltrated all levels of state and federal governments and this movement has accelerated since 1991. The progressives have found that the average child or parent responds to extremely well with sympathy for innocent victims and that if all other factors of truth could be diverted, the people could be trained and inclined to despise firearms and blame gun ownership as the problem.  .

In order to stop the lies and the progressive movement the argument needs to change back to the intent of the constitutions when they were conceived and written. The Second Amendment of the Constitution and Article I, Section 16 of the Maine Constitution needs to be brought back into the forefront of the conversation and the truth needs to be revealed again. These two sections not only protect the hunter, the collector and target shooters; it covers the individual that wishes to preserve life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and property with deadly force. These two sections allow individuals to join in compact to protect their homes, their community and their country from foreign and domestic terrorists that wish to violate our GOD given rights.

The intent of the Constitution was to provide the civilian populous with a force that could equally counter the enemies of the people. When the state and federal constitutions were written to allow the bearing of arms, it was common knowledge that the population had to have the same type of armament for protection. The founders put no limits as to what the firearms were or how many arms could owned, how big they were or how many rounds the firearm could have.

Those who are using public pressure and the sympathy from the public by using the death of innocent people and children are distracting honest people. The devious plan is to force an unconstitutional mandate to begin the process to hinder, handicap and obstruct and eventually remove the ownership of firearms from honest, law-abiding citizens by creating unlawful Executive Orders and unlawful laws that will eventually demand confiscation of firearms, ammunition and accessories. It is despicable and immoral that the progressives hide behind innocent children’s murder and to use the fear of children (and parents) to continue to misconstrue the real facts.

There is not one law that can be created that would have stopped any violent actions that had involved guns. To target a style of gun or the way it looks is foolish; it does absolutely nothing to stop a criminal offense. To limit the firearm capacity or feed mechanism does absolutely nothing for stopping the criminal from killing. Does this mean that the acceptance of a firearm that does not look like a military rifle and only has 10 rounds, it is ok for the criminal to kill only ten kids with it? The mandates, executive orders and bills offered today have no relationship to preventing gun violence. It appears that the people who suggest these ideas and suggestions to stop gun violence know absolutely nothing about firearms, the positive use and Constitutional law. The politicians are trying everything to overwhelm the public, but they are affecting good people and violating the law.

Cigarettes, alcohol, cars and hammers (individually) have killed more people than any type or combination of guns, but yet we live with these horrible events the best we can. Criminals will kill no matter what laws are created or how restrictive they are. Why are the progressives targeting guns and our constitutions? Why are these elected officials following these despicable plans to usurp the people and the powers of the Constitution? Firearms, ammunition and accessories are private property; they are considered part of the estate. Therefore the government has no constitutional right to restrict or confiscate (steal) any firearm away from law-biding people! Are they violating their sacred Oaths and, if so, they try to enforce their unconstitutional laws against the lawful American citizens, are they essentially “Enemy Combatants & Domestic Terrorists” by forcing us to stand our ground, protect our constitutional law and our own unalienable rights?

The President or Congress was given no legislative power other than those powers explicitly found or implied in the Constitution. All powers not delegated to congress in the constitution were reserved to the states or the People! (Reference 10th Amendment)
Lastly, a word to the wise, a word of caution to the reader and the criminal progressives: The Maine and U.S. Constitutions are ours. The sections and amendments are ours. This country is ours and the government is supposed to be ours. If some of the elected legislators (appointees and other state or local officials) want to violate our Maine and U.S. Constitutions, they are violating us! Either they know what they are doing against us and the Constitution, which makes them the domestic terrorist! Or if the elected leaders that we have trusted to protect us do not understand Constitutional law and what they are doing, why than, are they allowed to remain as political leaders? They will soon have their choice if they continue: either they remain and stand charged with treason, or they stand down and resign; there is no other choice for they have chosen this path of stupidity or deception!

Spokesperson Phil Merletti

Introduction to the Remonstrance

To the People:

You are most likely aware of the enormous problems existent in America, at all levels, most of which were created and/or exacerbated directly by burdensome government rules, regulations, requirements and policies.  This especially holds true for Maine.  The People have endured egregious violations committed by government against their rights for many, many years, and this must come to a rapid halt.

To that end, we have put together a Declaration, Remonstrance and Demand to be presented to the governor and the members of the Legislature when there are ENOUGH SUPPORTERS behind this proposal who will actively work to implement its provisions.  Many causes exist in Maine, with many different, diverse groups espousing individual positions.  Virtually all of these are valid, but the one common denominator that occasions the need to champion these causes is the fact that the elected and appointed officers in Maine in virtually all positions do not honor their oaths and instead routinely violate them, as well as the rights of the People.  This document references and makes provisions to correct such situations.

Please thoroughly review it, and if you support what is said, please send it to everyone you know in Maine, expressing your support for this action, and ask them to do the same.  If you have any questions or comments, there are contact names, emails and phone numbers at the end of the document.

We hope you will join us in our efforts to take back and restore OUR Constitutionally ordained government and OUR Rights!

Thanks in advance for your support.

Wayne Leach:; 207-872-8998
Phil Merletti:
Gary Smart:; 207-731-4194
Jack McCarthy:

Maine Remonstrance Document

Maine Remonstrance in PDF Format | Signatory Form in PDF Format

We peaceful, God-loving, and Free Maine People are concerned for the future of our State, and therefore support the Remonstrance created and served upon the Governor and Legislature of the State of Maine, by signing below.

Sign Up to Show Your Support

 A Remonstrance Demanding Officials Keep their Oaths

To the Honorable Governor and Legislature

of the State of Maine

From a Delegation of Peaceful and Free Maine People

A Declaration, Remonstrance and Demand

Opposing, Stopping and Correcting

Ongoing Abuses of the Limited Powers and Authority Delegated to Government by the People of Maine

* * * * *

This Remonstrance and Declaration is based in and on the superseding Authorities of the Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as amended in 1791 with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution for the State of Maine, as amended in 1820. The positions stated herein are founded in these Authorities.

The Governor and all members of the Legislature have sworn or affirmed oaths to these referenced Constitutions and are required to abide by the Constitutional mandates imposed upon them by and through their oaths. No Oath Taker in Maine has the Constitutional authority to oppose, contradict, defy, deny and violate the very documents to which he swore or affirmed his oath. Pursuant to Constitutional guarantees, all Citizens of Maine can expect that their Oath Takers will so act in the performance of their official duties.

Despite these Constitutional requirements, it is evident that all forms of government in Maine abandon their Constitutional duties and routinely perjure, violate and disparage their oaths and the inherent rights and Due Process of Law Constitutionally guaranteed to Maine Citizens. Therefore, the government of Maine and the various governments within Maine act unconstitutionally, thus, are unlawful governments. These errant Oath Takers are Domestic Enemies, and it is the duty of American and Maine Citizens to expose and oppose all Domestic Enemies.

This Remonstrance is provided to the Governor and the Legislature by the People of Maine to apprise them that the People are aware of the unconstitutional actions and it is our demand, pursuant to rights guaranteed in both Constitutions that government immediately cease and desist its unconstitutional actions, immediately embrace and enforce the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. We the People, rightfully demand that those who serve in the government of Maine, under the sacred trust endowed upon them by the People, restore honor and Constitutional governance to Maine and strictly abide by the Supreme Law of the Land and the principles and mandates contained within our founding documents.

The above-stated rightful demands have arisen and are presented due to the positions and circumstances stated herein below:

This opening Introductory work was created by Jack & Margy Flynn, with some minor editing done by Wayne Leach

* * * * *
To the Honorable Governor & Legislature of the State of Maine

A Declaration and Remonstrance Opposing the Abuse of Granted Powers and Inherent Rights

We, a delegation of peaceful, God loving, and free People domiciled on the State of Maine, having met and deliberated many hours regarding the repeated usurpation and abuse of powers granted, and rights protected by the Constitutions for the United States of America and for the State of Maine, conclude that it is our right and duty, relying upon God’s goodness and guidance, to herewith remonstrate against our Maine government, declaring our reasons for such remonstrance by providing the following determinations:

1. Because the Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section 1, concretely states that “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,….”, and these enumerated powers were specific and limited for the purpose of severely restraining the very government thus created by that Constitution.
2. Because there has been imposed for nearly a century, a constantly depreciating, constitutionally unauthorized, unlawful fiat money issued through a privately owned and controlled central bank, and forced upon the People because of deceitful and unconscionable acts imposed upon the People, by and through fraud, in violation of Constitutional requirements, said money causing continual degradation of our purchasing power, instability in our free market economy, and a deterioration of the People’s lifestyle.
3. Because the government of our State of Maine has, for numerous purposes, e. g. highway, school, and welfare program funding, agreed to accept and utilize from the United States government its departments, agencies, and bureaus, this unlawful fiat money, and its attached mandates in lieu of the lawful money described and authorized in Article I, Section 8, and further implied as gold and silver coin by Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution for the United States of America.
4. Because the Constitution for the State of Maine states in Article VIII, Part First, Section 1, that “…the Legislature are authorized, and it shall be their duty to require, the several towns to make suitable provision, at their own expense, for the support and maintenance of public schools;….”, supposedly with lawful gold and silver backed money; yet the government for the State of Maine is accepting the above mentioned unlawful fiat money to subsidize the education of our children in Maine public schools.
5. Because government officials and employees for the State of Maine are therefore violating Article VIII, Part First, Section 1 of the Constitution for the State of Maine and their Oath of Office, and thereby violating the Public Trust and alienating the People’s trust in their government.
6. Because the State of Maine’s elected members of the Legislature deny and refuse to declare and assert their just powers which are reserved to the States or to the People as affirmed in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.
7. Because the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution for the United States of America have been unlawfully usurped and repeatedly violated regarding the People’s inherent right to acquire, possess, and protect property, as stated succinctly in the Constitution for the State of Maine, Article I, Section 1., and State of Maine officials and employees have repeatedly failed to negate or nullify the usurpation, abuses, and violations, or otherwise protect its People from them. The above mentioned include, but are not limited to, the usurpation of private property rights by United States governmental departments, (e. g., Interior, Education, Transportation, Environmental Protection, Homeland Security, Agriculture, etc.); bureaus, (e. g., BATF; commissions, (i. e., LURC); and other agencies too numerous to mention, plus the surrender of said rights, and even our sovereignty, to foreign entities by our governments through so-called Treaties (e. g., GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.), Councils, (i. e., the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, Human Rights Council), Conventions, (e. g., Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities), Charters, (e. g., the UN) and its affiliates, (e. g., ICLEI, UNESCO, UNICEF, NATO).
8. Because there are numerous unconstitutional laws, rules, and regulations being imposed upon the People of Maine by its government departments, bureaus, agencies, or by NGO’s created by them that obfuscate and/or impair the People’s right to contract. Examples of such impairment include, but are not limited to the following: MSHA mandates, Statutes restricting landlord/tenant and/or insurance contracts, zoning regulations, International codes, and wage and price controls.
9. Because the Maine Legislature unlawfully enacted laws that create victimless crimes, to unlawfully control social activities, invade private property, and increase revenues for the State of Maine through the courts and law enforcement.
10. Because our governments were created to preserve and protect natural, inherent and unalienable rights, but through surrender to the above entities of ownership, control, and/or use of the People’s property, the elected officials, agents, and employees of the governments for the United States and State of Maine have violated their Oaths of Office, and are thus subject to reprimand, arrest, fines, and/or other corrective action, such as that authorized in the self-executing Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment to the national Constitution to provide remedy and restitution for their wrongs against the People of the State of Maine.

Therefore, We the subscribers to this Remonstrance, state, that no peaceful, lawful actions authorized by the Constitutions are exempt from our use to fully restore our rightful Government that is obligated to protect and preserve the above described rights and others retained by the People. We state that, providing there are no corrective actions timely taken in regards to this Remonstrance, and the rightful demands made herein, the People of the State of Maine have the Constitutional authority, duty, and “…an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.” (Maine Constitution, Article I, Section 2). Also, we state that we will do all in our power to urge the People of Maine to resort to such lawful, peaceful yet strong actions as are required to provide said People with a return to the “republican form of government” as guaranteed in the Constitution for the United States of America, Article IV, Section 4, so help us GOD!

Signed this ____ day of _________________ , 2013 by:

Full Name

Full Name

Full Name

Full Name

Sign Up to Show Your Support


Biblical Law at “Common Law” supersedes all laws, and “Christianity is custom, custom is Law.” Robin v. Hardaway, 2 Va. (2 Jefferson) 109, 114 (1772)

“All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are, in our laws, and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; Whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of Justice.” Robin v. Hardaway, 2 Va. (2 Jefferson) 109, 114 (1772)

In Question 94 of the Prima secundae of his Summa theologiae (I.ii), Aquinas asserted the concept of an eternal law which provides the road map for all ethics and ethical conduct. This eternal law, Aquinas reasoned, is God’s device to govern the entire community of the universe toward the common good. The divine law, as represented for example in the Ten Commandments, makes eternal law more concrete and knowable. Natural law then transforms the laws emanating from the realm of the supernatural, making them knowable “in the hearts of human beings” and instruct them “to do good and avoid evil.” Lastly, human law—which translates natural law into concrete norms governing particular peoples and nations—is the most concrete and specific application of eternal law in the realm of the nature. Robin v. Hardaway, 2 Va. (2 Jefferson) 109, 114 (1772)

“We are bound to interpret the Constitution in the light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted, not as reaching out for new guaranties of the rights of the citizen, but as securing to every individual such as he already possessed as a British subject–such as his ancestors had inherited and defended since the days of Magna Charta.” Mattox v. U.S., 156 US 237,243. (1895)

“The Constitution is a written instrument. As such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now.” S. Carolina v. U.S., 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905).

“That which is implied is as much a part of the Constitution as that which is expressed, and amongst the implied matters is that the nation may not prevent a state from discharging the ordinary functions of government, and no state can interfere with the national government in the free exercise of the powers conferred upon it.“ S. Carolina v. U.S., 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905).

“The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137,(1803)

“No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it.” Murdock v. Penn., 319 US 105, (1943)

“If the state converts a liberty into a privilege, the citizen can engage in the right with impunity.” Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 373 US 262, (1969)

“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation, which would abrogate them.” Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, (1966)

“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, (1886)

“The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime.” Miller v. U.S., 230 F.2d. 486,489

Contact Information:

Wayne Leach:; 207-872-8998

Phil Merletti:

Gary Smart:

Jack McCarthy:

Jack & Margy Flynn:

Convention email discussion II

Dear Fellow Republicans,

This is my response to Dave Lincoln’s Email message.

Dave Lincolns Quotes are in blue and my comments and rebuttals there after. This is in no disrespect to Dave as he is a very fine gentleman and a patriot for a constitutional government in Maine.

* “We all lost valuable time and important information was lost because of the intervention last Saturday and Sunday.”

The opening statement is somewhat disturbing, because coincides with the established Republicans argument that the supporters of Ron Paul was the people was responsible for the egregious errors of the convention schedule. The time lost was due to the stalling and destructive performance of the Republican leadership willing to do anything to shut down the voice of the people who wanted to support a republican candidate, Ron Paul. The Ron Paul Campaign was very well organized to get delegates to the national convention.

It was obvious that the tactics used by the Maine Republican Party leadership was influenced by the national Republican organization because the intended destruction of the Ron Paul campaign was not being done just in Maine but similar activities was happening in Nevada also.  The Republican party is strongly influenced by the rule of the bankers and their financed corporations to maintain control of the government and are willing to do anything to protect their stolen authority to maintain their takeover of America against the freedoms and rights of the citizens.

It should be the agenda of all the citizens in Maine to clean up our government election process and get the voting fraud out and give all candidates willing to run for representing us a fair and equal chance to campaign.

* “Observing the delegates I witnessed a lot of disagreement of who they supported and I know many on both sides walked away with being angry and disillusioned with the process.”

As far as the disagreements between the delegates, this is the process of the Republican party to unite and select a candidate to be represented at the poles to elect the representation of the people.  This is actually a flawed process designed to control the political leadership of America. The first part of the design is to control the media in order to propagandize the public opinion in the direction that the monetary elites are taking our country away from the authority of the citizens as described in the Maine constitution Article I Section 2.

The disruption of the process is wrongly blamed on the people who came to support a constitutional minded candidate, but by a group of people controlled by a secrete agenda to stop the voice of people who wanted to defend the rights of the political process.  That was the most frustrating part of the convention. When the Elites lost control of their agenda they decided to do anything to destroy the voice of the citizens.

* “However we must put this behind us and concentrate on our goals for November.”

1. Replace President Obama.
2. Elect a Republican for Senate.
3. Elect a Republican for the 1st District
4. Elect a Republican for the 2nd District
5. Re-elect our local Legislators.
6. Expand our Majority in the Legislature.”

First of all who’s goals are you trying to foist upon us. At what convention or secret group meeting designed these goals and who are the parties to them. They certainly are not my goals.

My goals would be to establish a group of candidates who are willing to follow and respect their oath to the law of government established by the constitution of the Maine state government, which authorizes the existence of the Federal Government system, to allow the states to work together as a nation of united states of America. I see it as an attempt by the Maine Republican Party leadership to bring back the lost cause of unity which was widely presented in the emails to rally around a unity to elect a very unpopular person that can not get delegates from his own state, in order to run against the existing illegal president at which Romney would have a very tough time in winning an election against.

And further more I would want to see another goal and that would be to bring our troops home and stop this fight for the one World Government that is indiscriminately killing husbands and wives women and children by the millions, in a war against other nations that have not made an attack against America.  Romney is in favor of expanding the war for the worlds to Iran so he would never receive my vote because I would never vote for and satanic order.

* “We have two choices either let this last weekends events eats us up or regroup and reunite and all work as a team to accomplish our goals as Republicans. “

I agree to uniting behind the popular choice of this convention and Rally behind a constitutional respecting candidate Ron Paul and help secure his election nationally by a proper representation at the RNC in Florida. But this is not what is intended by the several conversations I have had with the establishment minded Republicans who are insulted that they lost their agenda for the World order in Maine and will refuse to campaign for the constitution because they do not agree with the constitutional document. They will not entertain the thought of campaigning for the winner of the convention but try and figure out how to destroy the credibility of the Maine Republican Convention.

* “I came into this process three years ago because I didn’t like what our government was doing and I made a commitment to myself as not to leave a this world with a socialist country to my Granddaughters. “

I’ve been in this fight a bit longer and you are entirely right with this opinion. I would recommend a study of the true and factual history that has destroyed the freedoms and independence of the citizens of America, primarily to our very own sovereign state here in Maine. Our country has been under attack and continually hijacked by the world traders and bankers ever since we won the revolution of the 1700′s, but that war never stopped and they basically have finally won their dominance over America.

We must unite and take back our nation one state at a time and honor the documents called the constitutions that the Elitist have been spending their fictional fiat money to destroy. You must understand the bribery of the politicians and the states is done with all the money that the bankers can print from thin air and just handout to all those who follow their leadership.

* “I am trying to do my best not to lose the momentum which we came away with two years in our fantastic accomplishments which took a lot of effort from all of reach the great goals which we aspired to and attained.”

The momentum that you are seeing is the people rising to recapture their freedoms and liberties and are going to recreate the government system to do what it was intended upon doing, which is  to preserve protect and defend the constitutions of our State and the other united states of America that authorized the Constitution of the United States of America.

* “Please I ask everyone to refrain from bringing each other down because of who they may support.”

So lets join in to respect the wonderful process that happened at the convention that fought so hard to defend our freedoms and liberties that we have lost.  We must rally around our unalienable and indefeasible rights and secure a constitutional respecting Maine government and defend ourselves from an out of control Federal Government system that has extended their totalitarian rule over America.

Lets do a few more things besides.

  • – Eliminate the corporate State of Maine that resides under the jurisdiction of the United Nations since 1945.
  • – Get out of  the United Nations that was created by John D Rockefeller and the Elites of the Counsel of Foreign  Relations.
  • – Remove the United Nations Agenda 21 rules and procedures from all state departments and agencies.
  • – Establish common Law courts under the jurisdictions of the several counties.
  • – Strip all of the unconstitutional laws off the books
  • – Bring the responsibility of education back to the Communities as prescribed by Maine Constitution – Article VIII. — Part First. Education.
  • – Reorganize the state finances, Cash in our state bonds and pay off all debts of Maine government and use the excess balances to establish a state banking system.
  • – Get the citizens back to work utilizing our abundance raw resources and manufacturing abilities and provide our production for our own state and trade across the Atlantic from our own coast to the rest of the world.
  • – Get our Maine state government to exercise the 10th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and nullify the unconstitutional laws rules and regulations that federal Government tries to impose upon the several states of America.
  • – Bring back the laws that restrict the ownership of the media system so we do not have media monopolization of the Elites, but have fair and independent news and information reporting to the public.
  • – Defend the rights of the community Home Rule especially the Food Freedom Acts that the State of Maine Corporation does not allow due to the bribery of the Federal Government controlled by the Monetary Elites.
  • – Abolish the Land Use and Regulatory Commission (LURC), which is an unlawful agency, and bring property rights ownership back to the management of the counties.
  • – Enjoy our unalienable and indefeasible rights from God and secure our personal rights and freedoms to enjoy our own family heritages in peace.

Response by
Gary Smart

Hi Don
Your response is a bit misinformed from both sides of the issues. You seem to be very aware of the establishment Republican side. The accusation of a takeover is not what took place.

I was there at the 2008 convention where the organized government establishment blind sided the Ron Paul movement with the fraud and deceit as attempted this time around. The 2008 Ron Paul campaign was infiltrated in Maine and across the other states to be derailed at the conventions. Ken Lindel was the the responsible person along with some other co-conspirators. We learned well from the experience of what the Republican Leadership was about. For the Democrats, your party is no different and is controlled by the very same people as the Republican party. This is the reason that Bush and Obama are like twin Presidents. Both Administrations are out to destroy the Constitutional government system in order to advance the One World Order that daddy Bush spoke about.

Ron Paul also started something called the TEA Party, and many Americans were awakened to the facts about the American Government hijacking by the Federal Reserve Bankers who are linked to the world Bankers. With the many groups in Maine organizing to do something about rescuing our constitutional government system. This also happened nation wide.

We went to the Republican Convention in 2010 with more force and elected a constitutional minded Governor along with other politicians to move Maine and the country back towards a constitutional government. We were not entirely successful against the Party leaderships and the controllers who lurks behind the curtain of secrecy. Our Governor got surrounded by the Republican Machine and is not as affective to bringing back the constitution as we expected. And many of the other TEA Party politicians did not do as the promised in their campaigns. But we learn by experience.

Now comes the convention of 2012 and Ron Paul runs again and you see the difficulty that is entailed with the propagandized media system and the Republican Leadership who tried everything to keep the Ron Paul campaign a secret from the population who only gets their news from the Main Stream Media that is owned and controlled by the bankers and associates. You must remember that in 1924 JP Morgan purchased the controlling shares of the major News papers across the nation to be used as their political propagandizing tool to control who got into the government. Also note the JP Morgans money to purchase was printed from thin air, no real assets were expended to start the American takeover.

So for 2012 the citizens organized more people to come to the convention. This was not the take over as described by Charlie Webster. Not everyone there was just Ron Paul People. I saw the TEA Party People there also. But we all are citizens and we want our Freedoms and Liberties back as described by the founders of this country who fought for a constitutional republic. The constitution limits the power of a government that has the potential to become an over powering government of greed and the expense of the citizens. The Bankers money was used through the last 170 years to erode that government and changed our laws from lawful to legal interpretations that stole our rights from us.

It maybe was a take over but by the citizens who owns the Maine state government. Article I Section2 states “All power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit; they have therefore and unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.” so the takeover as you mentioned was done by constitutional means. Enough informed citizens showed up and made our Yah’s for our own chairman and secretary and Nay’s for Charlie Webster’s self selected chairman that was not the way the Republican bi-laws suggest the process to be. The Rules of order won.

The scheduling problem was not the responsibility of the citizens who were there. The citizens were there early in line and on the convention floor on time. We voted in our choice of chairman and secretary on time. It was the Republican Elites who tried to destroy the whole process because they were mad that their world order plan slipped through their fingers. The citizens finally won this round. but now the Elitists of Charlie Websters clan did everything to destroy the convention process, Brent Tweed did not take the podium until 3:00 six hours late and pushed the convention into overtime on Saturday and Sunday. but we got the votes in and the delegates elected and the seats of the Maine Republican party filled. I say that the Elitist Republicans must go, But I would prefer to try them for Treason.

Now the convention is over and the citizens have won this round, but the job  is not done until we can get a constitutional president elected. This may be difficult when the Banker Elites own the electronic voting machines and have the ability to cheat the vote.

As far as your other comments

  • Paul delegates would challenge every decision. –> This is what the Republican Elitist did.
  • Paul people should have attended Committee meetings –> We were there, do you remember the standing room only at the last State committee. And I have attended most County meetings along with many others.
  • distrust of the people running the partyOf course we do are you wearing blinders, look at the history of the American destruction
  • Congressman Paul’s failed nomination campaignRon Paul rally’s are well populated with 1000′s of people, while Romney has a difficult time to attract 200 or less at his rally’s, and can not get delegates from his own state.
  • The process cost US Senate candidates the opportunity to address the ConventionBlame the Republican Elitist for their stalling tactics. There was a great epitaph for Olympia Snowe.
  • Mr. Smart’s e-mail has a few points, but nothing to build the party and to defeat Democrats. — The poles show that Ron Paul can beat Obama without the media coverage, what could he do if we were playing on a level field without the corruption.

Thanks Don for your Reply, Study what is going on and maybe you can join us in the new American Revolution.

We need a Revolution in the way “We the People”
deal with our government.
We need a Revolution in the way our government
represents “We the People”

Response by
Gary Smart


Hi Don

I’m glad that you are responding with a good message.

I thought once that I was conservative, loved Fox News, Fair and Balanced, Shaun Hannity, never heard of Ron Paul, and listened to WVOM every morning. I knew we had a mess and I only blamed the liberals and Environmentalists and was at war with them. I was truly at war with all of the liberals, letter to editors, Forums, direct emailing, joining their website in hopes to educate them on their evil ways of socialism. Stood and debated with everyone, town counsels, School boards, Town manager, Superintendents, Got budget voted down, derailed comprehensive plans. It was a real war and I thought I was losing the battle and Maine industry was continually assaulted.

I have always researched and studied everything to make sense of the world that surrounds me.   I Sought out the people who were informed, Learned a lot from Roger Ek about the Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Wild lands project and LURC.  Roger also discussed their success of taking over the Republican party in the 90′s which got destroyed by the Snowe political Machine.
It wasn’t until I was creating a Maine Group of concerned citizens that Dave Deschaine from Fort Fairfield Times who educated me on the Federal Reserve bankers. Which I argued that I have a Finance Degree and The Federal Reserve was not what he said it was. I opened my text books to prove to him because he was stuck in a Conspiracy Theory. That is when I found that my education of 3 degrees was nothing but a lie, my economics was skewed, and Bretton Woods was a financial takeover of the world. My education was a total indoctrination to work in the fictional system to build the world government of the United Nations.

As I said, I research everything until I can make sense of the facts, and the facts was not in the propaganda of conservatism, I was becoming a real Neo-Con and did not know it. I even supported the Iraq war, was amazed at our technical equipment to wage it and did not question the Patriot Act. What I found was a system of propaganda that indoctrinated people to be Liberals or Conservatives which ever divide that you chose. The media, school/college education, government reporting all was patterned to select one side of the fence or the other.  This was organized opposition so “We the People” could feel good about our disgust of the mess and blamed the other side, while the government ignored both sides and operated on the rules of the Bankers, their associate corporations and Trust foundations.

Don this is where I said that “Republicans and Democrats as being run by the same people.” This is where you need to understand The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission that is in both the Republican and the Democrat administrations. There are two other organizations that control the other governments of the world and they are the Annual Bildeberg Group meetings and the Counsel of Foreign Relations. These groups are populated with the World Monetary Elites. They created the United Nations after their failed attempt to create the League of Nations. The United Nations Building in New York was built on property owned by John D Rockefeller. This is the World Government owned by the Central Bankers of the world. They are the ones who hoaxed Europe into the European Union and are working on the North American Union. Along with their plans for the Asian Union.

The World order is done with the Military Industrial Complex and All States in America were placed under a structure of Corporations with the jurisdiction of the United Nations in 1945.  The program that is being used to advance the ruling structure is done with the United Nations Agenda 21. This is where you find UNESCO that controls all of our school education in America and the world to indoctrinate our children to be good little socialists. Also you will find the Environmental planning for comprehensive planning for the communities, and the funding of the environmental groups to close down the raw resources. To learn more about this, Study, Sustainable development, Wildlands project, or go to Freedom Advocates for a complete education.  The entire frame work is in place for the World Government, except the public has not been informed about this because they are busy fighting the war between the conservatives and the Progressive Liberals. And also the hoax of Sheria Law to scoop in all the patriots that left that argument.

You mentioned also the State bank vs the Federal Reserve. First you need to understand the Federal Reserve System. It is not Federal government but a privately held bank with the major ownership of the Rothschild network of world banks. Next you need to understand that it holds no reserves, It prints debt based money to those who are worthy to borrow their printed script. And it is a system of corruption that bribes our government with all the deficit spending printed by the federal reserve and our entire wages and income taxes are paid to them for the interest on the debt. The entire deficit debt includes all our wars, The socialist payments of welfare started by Roosevelt and the bribery money from the Federal Government to the States. Non of this has been paid. We just pay the interest from the thin air the money was printed from.

The hoax is that you cannot trust the government to run the bank. The real cause of the American Revolution started when the European bankers discovered that the colonists were printing money to be used for a medium of exchange. The colonists were doing very well in trading goods among each other and the excess productions were sold to Europe for a profit that was brought back to the colonies. Quotes of the European bankers were”If the other countries discover that they could print their own money our system will collapse.“ The bankers met with the king and had him destroy the colonial script and increase the taxation that was only to be paid with European money. Our economy went instantly into a depression because there was no profit after taxation. You can look also towards Canada with their pre 1974 economy that was successful by issuing their own money to finance the public works and that money flowed into the economy as a medium of exchange. Gold and Silver was used as monetary assets. After the bankers took over in 1974 their economy began to collapse with the debt money which the interest payments sucked the life out of. And now look at the North Dakota state banking system. They are solvent with no debt and low taxation. So you can trust a government banking system when it is close enough to the citizens.

Maine has enough Bonds in the CAFR accounts of the towns and government agencies to create our own bank from those investments. The interest will not be paid to the bankers who hold those bonds but to the state which will fund the government and provide lower taxation to the citizens.

So my point about the Election process is that we don’t just elect Republicans including Rinos and any other progressive who wants to join the party to enjoy a Republican label. We wanted to support a good Republican Platform to guide the Republican party along the constitutional grounds. We need to become informed citizens to elect statesmen who will have a conviction to the Law of the land, respecting the god given rights of freedom and independence of the citizens. This is the only way to have an American Revolution that will correct the tragedy that America has become.

We need a Revolution in the way “We the People”
deal with our government.
We need a Revolution in the way our government
represents “We the People”

Response by
Gary Smart
